

Yeldurthy block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Yeldurthy
Block Code : 177
District : Medak
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Medak District

Nearest Village to Yeldurthy

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Damarancha 573560 Yeldurthy 839 Hectares 1504 502109
2 Settipalle Kalan 573561 Yeldurthy 1871 Hectares 1797 502119
3 Bandaposanpalle 573562 Yeldurthy 570 Hectares 2784 502117
4 Edulapalle 573563 Yeldurthy 785 Hectares 851 502119
5 Uppulingapur 573564 Yeldurthy 945 Hectares 1586 502255
6 Kuknoor 573565 Yeldurthy 1705 Hectares 3212 502109
7 Dharmaram 573566 Yeldurthy 324 Hectares 892 502109
8 Andugulapalle 573567 Yeldurthy 814 Hectares 1441 502109
9 Manepalle 573568 Yeldurthy 1301 Hectares 2477 502109
10 Mangalparthy 573569 Yeldurthy 1374 Hectares 1758 502109
11 Mannevar Jalalpur 573570 Yeldurthy 789 Hectares 1659 502109
12 Esvantharaopet 573571 Yeldurthy 870 Hectares 1235 502109
13 Yeldurthy 573572 Yeldurthy 2927 Hectares 7713 502255
14 Peddapur 573573 Yeldurthy 107 Hectares 316 502255
15 Mellor 573574 Yeldurthy 346 Hectares 826 502255
16 Achampet 573575 Yeldurthy 722 Hectares 1010 502335
17 Hakimpet 573576 Yeldurthy 726 Hectares 475 502335
18 Ramanthapur 573577 Yeldurthy 739 Hectares 1234 502335
19 Lingareddipalle 573578 Yeldurthy 190 Hectares 176 502335
20 Masaipet 573579 Yeldurthy 1730 Hectares 6146 502335
21 Koppulapalle 573580 Yeldurthy 461 Hectares 1615 502335
22 Hastalpur 573581 Yeldurthy 1232 Hectares 1602 502255

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