

Bichkunda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bichkunda
Block Code : 70
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Bichkunda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Rajola 571123 Bichkunda 601 Hectares 1318 503306
2 Mishankallali 571124 Bichkunda 621 Hectares 1397 503306
3 Gundekalloor 571125 Bichkunda 293 Hectares 970 503309
4 Khatgaon 571126 Bichkunda 516 Hectares 1588 503306
5 Shetloor 571127 Bichkunda 417 Hectares 1107 503306
6 Meka 571128 Bichkunda 213 Hectares 455 503306
7 Hasgul 571129 Bichkunda 1552 Hectares 3190 503306
8 Sirsamundar 571130 Bichkunda 215 Hectares 699 503306
9 Gopanpalle 571131 Bichkunda 551 Hectares 1325 503306
10 Bichkunda 571132 Bichkunda 1724 Hectares 13213 503306
11 Kandarpalle 571133 Bichkunda 459 Hectares 1035 503306
12 Fathlapur 571134 Bichkunda 790 Hectares 1657 503306
13 Dowlatapur 571135 Bichkunda 525 Hectares 399 503306
14 Malkapur 571136 Bichkunda 269 Hectares -
15 Chinna Dhadgi 571137 Bichkunda 191 Hectares 917 503306
16 Chinna Devada 571138 Bichkunda 263 Hectares 1048 503306
17 Pedda Devada 571139 Bichkunda 304 Hectares 1064 503306
18 Pedda Dhadgi 571140 Bichkunda 671 Hectares 1881 503306
19 Pulkal 571141 Bichkunda 3384 Hectares 5091 503306
20 Wajidnagar 571142 Bichkunda 722 Hectares 2765 503306
21 Gundenamali 571143 Bichkunda 836 Hectares 1323 503306
22 Bandaranjal 571144 Bichkunda 1225 Hectares 2399 503306
23 Rajapur 571145 Bichkunda 865 Hectares 870 503306
24 Lingapur 571146 Bichkunda 456 Hectares -
25 Tupdal (Kowlasa) 571147 Bichkunda 234 Hectares 284 503306
26 Pedda Takkadpalle 571148 Bichkunda 237 Hectares 899 503306
27 Jagannathapalle 571149 Bichkunda 327 Hectares 420 503122
28 Chinna Takkadpalle 571150 Bichkunda 195 Hectares 937 503306
29 Manyapur 571151 Bichkunda 287 Hectares 737 503306
30 Seetarampalle 571152 Bichkunda 397 Hectares 961 503306
31 Shantapur 571153 Bichkunda 1302 Hectares 2310 503305
32 Malkapur (Kodapgalpatti) 571154 Bichkunda 277 Hectares -
33 Pedda Kodapgal 571155 Bichkunda 898 Hectares 3763 503310
34 Burugpalle 571156 Bichkunda 843 Hectares 1205 503310
35 Wadlam 571157 Bichkunda 742 Hectares 2541 503310
36 Anjani 571158 Bichkunda 533 Hectares 1426 503310
37 Kheslabad 571159 Bichkunda 1189 Hectares 1980 503310
38 Begampur 571160 Bichkunda 158 Hectares 870 503310

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