

Dichpalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Dichpalle
Block Code : 73
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Dichpalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Arepalle 571220 Dichpalle 111 Hectares 367 503175
2 Bardipur 571221 Dichpalle 1942 Hectares 8433 503175
3 Mentrajpalle 571222 Dichpalle 1954 Hectares 5942 503175
4 Amruthapur 571223 Dichpalle 461 Hectares 3149 503175
5 Nadepalle 571224 Dichpalle 1093 Hectares 6840 503175
6 Suddepalle 571225 Dichpalle 1029 Hectares 3783 503175
7 Yanampalle 571226 Dichpalle 1925 Hectares 2747 503175
8 Suddulam 571227 Dichpalle 1012 Hectares 2234 503175
9 Koratpalle 571228 Dichpalle 944 Hectares 2258 503175
10 Mittapalle 571229 Dichpalle 868 Hectares 2397 503164
11 Rampur 571230 Dichpalle 1412 Hectares 5358 503175
12 Kamalapur 571231 Dichpalle 79 Hectares 1425 503164
13 Bibipur 571232 Dichpalle 540 Hectares 1012 503175
14 Dichpalle 571233 Dichpalle 763 Hectares 4709 503175
15 Doosgaon 571234 Dichpalle 901 Hectares 2840 503175
16 Indalwai 571235 Dichpalle 3156 Hectares 9382 503164
17 Thriambakpeta 571236 Dichpalle 1272 Hectares 984 503175
18 Gannaram 571237 Dichpalle 2365 Hectares 6772 503164
19 Mallapur 571238 Dichpalle 266 Hectares 1082 503164

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