

Domakonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Domakonda
Block Code : 88
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Domakonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Chintamanpalle 571583 Domakonda 878 Hectares 1543 503123
2 Mutyampet 571584 Domakonda 1034 Hectares 3676 503123
3 Domakonda 571585 Domakonda 1456 Hectares 13648 503123
4 Lingupalle 571586 Domakonda 269 Hectares 838 503123
5 Kundaram 571587 Domakonda 135 Hectares -
6 Sitarampur 571588 Domakonda 536 Hectares 1190 503123
7 Sangameshwar 571589 Domakonda 724 Hectares 3002 503123
8 Anchanur 571590 Domakonda 860 Hectares 2103 503123
9 Ambarpet 571591 Domakonda 1792 Hectares 3650 503123
10 Konapur 571592 Domakonda 529 Hectares 1057 503123
11 Ramreddipalle 571593 Domakonda 1927 Hectares 521 503123
12 Yadaram 571594 Domakonda 931 Hectares 2230 503125
13 Jangaon 571595 Domakonda 1010 Hectares 2777 503125
14 Sitarampalle 571596 Domakonda 176 Hectares 540 503123
15 Mohammadapur 571597 Domakonda 887 Hectares 3190 503123
16 Bibipet 571598 Domakonda 1588 Hectares 9067 503123
17 Malkapur 571599 Domakonda 562 Hectares 1741 503125
18 Siribibipet 571600 Domakonda 129 Hectares 682 503123
19 Issanagar 571601 Domakonda 630 Hectares 3080 503125
20 Ramchandrapur 571602 Domakonda 188 Hectares 134 503123
21 Tujalpur 571603 Domakonda 808 Hectares 2270 503123

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