

Yedpalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Yedpalle
Block Code : 65
District : Nizamabad
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Nizamabad District

Nearest Village to Yedpalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ambam 570956 Yedpalle 522 Hectares 1616 503235
2 Brahammanpalle 570957 Yedpalle 427 Hectares 920 503235
3 Jaithapur 570958 Yedpalle 353 Hectares 1527 503186
4 Pocharam 570959 Yedpalle 197 Hectares 1195 503186
5 Jankampet 570960 Yedpalle 1108 Hectares 10086 503186
6 Thanekalan 570961 Yedpalle 2716 Hectares 4058 503202
7 Jamlam 570962 Yedpalle 333 Hectares 1648 503202
8 Yedpalle 570963 Yedpalle 1373 Hectares 13469 503235
9 Ibrahimpur 570964 Yedpalle 641 Hectares -
10 Mangalpahad 570965 Yedpalle 341 Hectares 2319 503202
11 Mallepahad 570966 Yedpalle 235 Hectares -
12 Kurnapalle 570967 Yedpalle 1458 Hectares 3190 503202

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