

Dornala block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Dornala
Block Code : 768
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Prakasam District

Nearest Village to Dornala

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 China Arutla 590584 Dornala - 185 523331
2 Peda Arutla 590585 Dornala - 27 523331
3 Thummala Bayalu 590586 Dornala - 510 523331
4 Chinthala 590587 Dornala - 693 523331
5 Marripalem 590588 Dornala 49 Hectares 418 523331
6 Peda Bommala Puram 590589 Dornala 2936 Hectares 4293 523331
7 Dornala 590590 Dornala 2450 Hectares 11993 523331
8 Yadavalli 590591 Dornala 2467 Hectares 3533 523331
9 Pedachama 590592 Dornala - 19 523331
10 Rolla Penta 590593 Dornala - 36 523331
11 Pedamanthanala 590594 Dornala - 430 523331
12 China Manthanala 590595 Dornala - 222 523331
13 Nallaguntla 590596 Dornala 1239 Hectares 1967 523331
14 Nalla Guntla Gudem 590597 Dornala - 585 523331
15 Yeguva Cherlo Palle 590598 Dornala 2198 Hectares 2811 523331
16 Chilaka Cherla Gudem 590599 Dornala - 1459 523331
17 Ayinamukkala 590600 Dornala 3737 Hectares 6907 523331
18 China Dornala 590601 Dornala 1279 Hectares 3865 523331
19 Kata Kani Palle 590602 Dornala 1880 Hectares 4234 523331

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