

Komarolu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Komarolu
Block Code : 802
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Prakasam District

Nearest Village to Komarolu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Daddawada 591203 Komarolu 1997 Hectares 3604 523356
2 Nagireddipalle 591204 Komarolu 177 Hectares 743 523356
3 Taticherla 591205 Komarolu 1903 Hectares 2121 523356
4 Nallaguntla 591206 Komarolu 1012 Hectares 2273 523369
5 Rajupalem 591207 Komarolu 1676 Hectares 3404 523369
6 Guduru Moravai Palle 591208 Komarolu 105 Hectares -
7 Vennam Palle 591209 Komarolu 3007 Hectares 186 523369
8 Lingareddi Palle 591210 Komarolu 262 Hectares 56 523369
9 Kristam Palle 591211 Komarolu 492 Hectares 449 523369
10 Edamakallu 591212 Komarolu 2532 Hectares 2837 523369
11 Pullareddi Palle 591213 Komarolu 679 Hectares 856 523373
12 Chinthala Palle 591214 Komarolu 1616 Hectares 2918 523373
13 Komarolu 591215 Komarolu 2025 Hectares 10746 523373
14 Badineni Palle 591216 Komarolu 461 Hectares 627 523373
15 Ramavari Palle 591217 Komarolu 48 Hectares 147 523373
16 Suravari Palle 591218 Komarolu 111 Hectares 989 523373
17 Mottu Palle 591219 Komarolu 195 Hectares 415 523373
18 Bedusu Palle 591220 Komarolu 84 Hectares 257 523373
19 Brahmana Palle 591221 Komarolu 258 Hectares 621 523373
20 Reddicherla 591222 Komarolu 3174 Hectares 5141 523373
21 Allinagaram 591223 Komarolu 1820 Hectares 2127 523373

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