

Lingasamudram block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Lingasamudram
Block Code : 818
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Prakasam District

Nearest Village to Lingasamudram

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Jagamreddi Khandrika 591554 Lingasamudram 586 Hectares 1099 523113
2 Vengalapuram 591555 Lingasamudram 216 Hectares 947 523114
3 Mukteswaram 591556 Lingasamudram 430 Hectares 196 523113
4 Mala Konda Rayunipalem 591557 Lingasamudram 505 Hectares 927 523114
5 Veera Raghavuni Kota 591558 Lingasamudram 1664 Hectares 2715 523114
6 Viswanadhapuram 591559 Lingasamudram 1224 Hectares 852 523113
7 Thimmareddy Palem 591560 Lingasamudram 1432 Hectares 2199 523114
8 Lingasamudram 591561 Lingasamudram 1216 Hectares 6718 523114
9 Mogilicherla 591562 Lingasamudram 3223 Hectares 2768 523114
10 Narasimhapuram 591563 Lingasamudram 280 Hectares -
11 Racheruvurajupalem 591564 Lingasamudram 1363 Hectares 675 523114
12 Cheemalapenta 591565 Lingasamudram 1201 Hectares 857 523114
13 Pentrala 591566 Lingasamudram 902 Hectares 1018 523114
14 Rallapadu 591567 Lingasamudram 633 Hectares 886 523114
15 Gangapalem 591568 Lingasamudram 481 Hectares 863 523113
16 Thurpurajupalem 591569 Lingasamudram 339 Hectares -
17 Thunugunta 591570 Lingasamudram 376 Hectares 632 523114
18 Anneboinapalle 591571 Lingasamudram 974 Hectares 3056 523115
19 Chinapavani 591572 Lingasamudram 1292 Hectares 3226 523115
20 Mutyalapadu 591573 Lingasamudram 3448 Hectares 8460 523115

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