

Ulavapadu block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Ulavapadu
Block Code : 820
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Prakasam District

Nearest Village to Ulavapadu

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Atmakur 591592 Ulavapadu 1138 Hectares 1818 523292
2 Manneti Kota 591593 Ulavapadu 707 Hectares 2877 523292
3 Karedu 591594 Ulavapadu 5080 Hectares 12573 523292
4 K.Rajupalem 591595 Ulavapadu 1809 Hectares 13106 523292
5 Kollurupadu 591596 Ulavapadu 66 Hectares -
6 Bheemavaram 591597 Ulavapadu 2479 Hectares 5321 523292
7 Baddepudi 591598 Ulavapadu 1658 Hectares 1773 523281
8 Krishnapuram 591599 Ulavapadu 337 Hectares 1505 523292
9 Veerepalle 591600 Ulavapadu 1279 Hectares 2069 523292
10 Chagallu 591601 Ulavapadu 886 Hectares 2418 523292
11 Chaki Cherla 591602 Ulavapadu 2505 Hectares 8222 523292
12 Ramayapatnam 591603 Ulavapadu 722 Hectares 2236 523291

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