

Bheemunipatnam block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bheemunipatnam
Block Code : 540
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Visakhapatnam District

Nearest Village to Bheemunipatnam

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Bodametlapalem 586132 Bheemunipatnam 267 Hectares 746 531162
2 Dakamarri 586133 Bheemunipatnam 1278 Hectares 4987 531162
3 Narayanarajupeta 586134 Bheemunipatnam 175 Hectares 563 531162
4 Singanabanda 586135 Bheemunipatnam 264 Hectares 2127 531162
5 Majjivalasa 586136 Bheemunipatnam 502 Hectares 4510 531162
6 Tatituru 586137 Bheemunipatnam 923 Hectares 3688 531162
7 Nagarapalem 586138 Bheemunipatnam 166 Hectares 2032 531162
8 Chippada 586139 Bheemunipatnam 1180 Hectares 8405 531162
9 Amanam 586140 Bheemunipatnam 508 Hectares 2817 531162
10 Annavaram 586141 Bheemunipatnam 601 Hectares 2665 531162
11 Tallavalasa (Part) 586142 Bheemunipatnam 575 Hectares 4298 531162
12 Kothavalasa 586143 Bheemunipatnam 455 Hectares 1346 531162
13 Jayanthivani Agraharam 586144 Bheemunipatnam 147 Hectares 1355 531162
14 Ramayogi Agraharam 586145 Bheemunipatnam 93 Hectares 560 531162
15 Nidigattu 586146 Bheemunipatnam 278 Hectares 685 531162
16 Kapuluppada 586147 Bheemunipatnam 1878 Hectares 9412 531163
17 Chepalappada 586148 Bheemunipatnam 365 Hectares 5719 531163
18 Nerellavalasa (Part) 586149 Bheemunipatnam 935 Hectares 839 531162

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