

Cheedikada block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Cheedikada
Block Code : 533
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Visakhapatnam District

Nearest Village to Cheedikada

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Veerabhadrapeta 585921 Cheedikada 788 Hectares 1123 531028
2 Kondasompura Agraharam 585922 Cheedikada 130 Hectares -
3 Konam 585923 Cheedikada 2088 Hectares 3322 531028
4 Manchala 585924 Cheedikada 621 Hectares 1421 531028
5 Cheedikada 585925 Cheedikada 1177 Hectares 4903 531028
6 Veerapurajupeta 585926 Cheedikada 240 Hectares -
7 Vellanki 585927 Cheedikada 215 Hectares 199 531028
8 Neelampeta 585928 Cheedikada 130 Hectares 532 531027
9 Cheedipalle Agraharam 585929 Cheedikada 72 Hectares 804 531027
10 Arjunagiri Agraharam 585930 Cheedikada 642 Hectares 2534 531036
11 Turuvolu 585931 Cheedikada 474 Hectares 3084 531036
12 Tangudubilli 585932 Cheedikada 163 Hectares 543 531036
13 G.Kothapalle 585933 Cheedikada 259 Hectares 1599 531036
14 Jaithavaram 585934 Cheedikada 350 Hectares 1517 531028
15 Sirijam 585935 Cheedikada 581 Hectares 2098 531028
16 Khandivara Agraharam 585936 Cheedikada 373 Hectares 3327 531028
17 Lingabhupala Patnam 585937 Cheedikada 179 Hectares 1500 531028
18 Appalarajupuram 585938 Cheedikada 363 Hectares 2435 531028
19 Bylapudi Singavaram 585939 Cheedikada 111 Hectares 911 531028
20 Bylapudi 585940 Cheedikada 311 Hectares 1935 531028
21 Dibbapalem 585941 Cheedikada 349 Hectares 2097 531026
22 Kattuvari Agraharam 585942 Cheedikada 53 Hectares 280 531036
23 Dandi Suravaram 585943 Cheedikada 291 Hectares 1524 531036
24 Tuni Valasa 585944 Cheedikada 210 Hectares 761 531036
25 Vintipalem 585945 Cheedikada 98 Hectares 420 531036
26 Advi Agraharam 585946 Cheedikada 109 Hectares 1023 531036
27 Chinagogada 585947 Cheedikada 248 Hectares 693 531036
28 Pedagogada Agraharam 585948 Cheedikada 194 Hectares 922 531026
29 Chettupalle 585949 Cheedikada 215 Hectares 788 531026
30 Tunivalasa Bhupatipalem 585950 Cheedikada 88 Hectares -
31 Varahapura Agraharam 585951 Cheedikada 119 Hectares 357 531036
32 J.B.Puram 585952 Cheedikada 378 Hectares 1446 531036
33 Chukkapalle 585953 Cheedikada 603 Hectares 2545 531036
34 Seetharampura Agraharam 585954 Cheedikada 44 Hectares -

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