

Kasimkota block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kasimkota
Block Code : 547
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Visakhapatnam District

Nearest Village to Kasimkota

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Theeda 586320 Kasimkota 1274 Hectares 2712 531031
2 Charakam 586321 Kasimkota 677 Hectares 1025 531031
3 Addam 586322 Kasimkota 629 Hectares 751 531031
4 Atcherla 586323 Kasimkota 1148 Hectares 2353 531031
5 Singavaram 586324 Kasimkota 373 Hectares 668 531031
6 Ugginapalem 586325 Kasimkota 1954 Hectares 4654 531031
7 Bayyavaram 586326 Kasimkota 2126 Hectares 7517 531031
8 Kasimkota 586327 Kasimkota 864 Hectares 15753 531031
9 Veduruparthi 586328 Kasimkota 249 Hectares 2349 531031
10 Tegada 586329 Kasimkota 346 Hectares 1717 531031
11 Kothapalle 586330 Kasimkota 393 Hectares 1706 531031
12 Perantalapalem 586331 Kasimkota 81 Hectares 1517 531031
13 Narasapuram 586332 Kasimkota 130 Hectares 512 531031
14 Ammeensahabpeta 586333 Kasimkota 227 Hectares 1386 531055
15 Gobburupalem 586334 Kasimkota 113 Hectares 653 531055
16 Gobburu 586335 Kasimkota 242 Hectares 250 531055
17 Gytulapalem 586336 Kasimkota 241 Hectares -
18 Tallapalem 586337 Kasimkota 433 Hectares 5373 531031
19 Gurugu Bheemavaram 586338 Kasimkota 447 Hectares 1183 531031
20 Sundarayyapeta 586339 Kasimkota 1251 Hectares 1709 531031
21 Eswarapalle Chowduvada 586340 Kasimkota 842 Hectares 2727 531031
22 Komaralova 586341 Kasimkota - -
23 Narasingibilly 586342 Kasimkota 906 Hectares 1629 531055
24 Nutulaguntla Palem 586343 Kasimkota 410 Hectares 2451 531055
25 Zattapureddituni 586344 Kasimkota 168 Hectares 1429 531055
26 Chintalapalem 586345 Kasimkota 274 Hectares 1604 531055
27 Somavaram 586346 Kasimkota 106 Hectares 1910 531055
28 Yenugutuni 586347 Kasimkota 223 Hectares 1724 531055

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