

Kothavalasa block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kothavalasa
Block Code : 509
District : Vizianagaram
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Vizianagaram District

Nearest Village to Kothavalasa

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Uttarapalle 583059 Kothavalasa 261 Hectares 1547 535183
2 Chinnipalem 583060 Kothavalasa 492 Hectares 799 535183
3 Chinaraopalle 583061 Kothavalasa 239 Hectares 835 535593
4 Pedaraopalle 583062 Kothavalasa 273 Hectares 305 535593
5 Katakapalle 583063 Kothavalasa 318 Hectares 1837 535593
6 Kantakapalle 583064 Kothavalasa 709 Hectares 2773 535240
7 Dathi 583065 Kothavalasa 310 Hectares 1170 535240
8 Rayapurajupeta 583066 Kothavalasa 123 Hectares 312 535183
9 Narapam 583067 Kothavalasa 320 Hectares 257 535183
10 Devada 583068 Kothavalasa 350 Hectares 1751 535183
11 Musiram 583069 Kothavalasa 485 Hectares 1507 535183
12 Ramalingapuram 583070 Kothavalasa 224 Hectares 1621 535183
13 Cheedivalasa 583071 Kothavalasa 345 Hectares 885 535183
14 Sundarayyapeta 583072 Kothavalasa 131 Hectares 494 535183
15 Veerabhadra Puram 583073 Kothavalasa 1098 Hectares 6310 535183
16 Nimmalapalem 583074 Kothavalasa 183 Hectares 1192 535183
17 Balighattam 583075 Kothavalasa 317 Hectares 2054 535183
18 Ardhannapalem 583076 Kothavalasa 576 Hectares 2390 535183
19 Cheepuruvalasa 583077 Kothavalasa 820 Hectares 3181 535183
20 Gulivindada 583078 Kothavalasa 384 Hectares 1243 535183
21 Denderu 583079 Kothavalasa 419 Hectares 1290 535183
22 Santhapalem 583080 Kothavalasa 522 Hectares 1555 535183
23 Ganisettipalem 583081 Kothavalasa 169 Hectares 1142 535183
24 Mindivalasa Ramachandrapuram 583082 Kothavalasa 284 Hectares 3957 535183
25 Chintalapalem 583083 Kothavalasa 951 Hectares 6522 535183
26 Relli 583084 Kothavalasa 1823 Hectares 2418 535183

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