

Chennaraopet block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Chennaraopet
Block Code : 387
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Chennaraopet

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Lingapuram 578481 Chennaraopet 418 Hectares 1799 506332
2 Gurijala 578482 Chennaraopet 1550 Hectares 5998 506331
3 Akkalchedu 578483 Chennaraopet 436 Hectares 1507 506332
4 Makdumpuram 578484 Chennaraopet 544 Hectares 3400 506332
5 Chennaraopet 578485 Chennaraopet 556 Hectares 4904 506332
6 Konapuram 578486 Chennaraopet 904 Hectares 3240 506332
7 Upparapalle 578487 Chennaraopet 1109 Hectares 4369 506122
8 Jhalli 578488 Chennaraopet 524 Hectares 2362 506122
9 Ameenabad 578489 Chennaraopet 1396 Hectares 9494 506122
10 Lingagiri 578490 Chennaraopet 573 Hectares 2866 506122
11 Suripalle 578491 Chennaraopet 1652 Hectares 2355 506122
12 Yellaigudem 578492 Chennaraopet 981 Hectares 3372 506332
13 Thimmarainipahad 578493 Chennaraopet 583 Hectares 1783 506332
14 Papaiahpeta 578494 Chennaraopet 1676 Hectares 5564 506332

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