

Cherial block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Cherial
Block Code : 348
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Cherial

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Tadoor 577605 Cherial 866 Hectares 1350 506355
2 Chityal 577606 Cherial 942 Hectares 2315 506355
3 Danampalle 577607 Cherial 843 Hectares 1219 506335
4 Dommata 577608 Cherial 1321 Hectares 2593 506223
5 Akunoor 577609 Cherial 3029 Hectares 5803 506223
6 Cherial 577610 Cherial 4526 Hectares 18310 506223
7 Vechareni 577611 Cherial 903 Hectares 2796 506223
8 Kistampet 577612 Cherial 1168 Hectares 1769 506223
9 Marrimusthiayala 577613 Cherial 427 Hectares 1910 506355
10 Gouraipalle 577614 Cherial 665 Hectares 1575 506355
11 Komuravelle 577615 Cherial 1178 Hectares 3813 506335
12 Ramsagar 577616 Cherial 374 Hectares 1126 506223
13 Ainapur 577617 Cherial 2051 Hectares 3765 506355
14 Tapaspalle 577618 Cherial 234 Hectares 846 506355
15 Guravannapet 577619 Cherial 885 Hectares 1945 506355
16 Posanpalle 577620 Cherial 458 Hectares 1282 506355
17 Nagapuri 577621 Cherial 1626 Hectares 3779 506223
18 Pedarajupet 577622 Cherial 245 Hectares 1049 506223
19 Kadavergu 577623 Cherial 2389 Hectares 5627 506223
20 Chunchankota 577624 Cherial 803 Hectares 2495 506223
21 Musthiyala 577625 Cherial 2269 Hectares 5442 506224

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