Geesugonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Geesugonda |
Block Code | : | 382 |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
1 | Anantharam | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
2 | Kommala | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
3 | Mogilicherla | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
4 | Ookal | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
5 | Shayampet | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
6 | Bodduchintalapalle | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
7 | Elkurthy | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
8 | Elkurthy & Arepalle | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
9 | Geesugonda & Konayamakula | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
10 | Machapur & Gangadevipalle | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
11 | Manugonda & Chandraipalle | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
12 | Potharajpalle | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
13 | Vanchangiri | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh | |
14 | Viswanathpur & Nandanaik Thota | Geesugonda | Warangal (Rural) | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Mogilicherla | 578340 | Geesugonda | 1004 Hectares | 5627 | 506006 |
2 | Bodduchintalapalle | 578341 | Geesugonda | 537 Hectares | 1197 | 506330 |
3 | Manugonda | 578342 | Geesugonda | 919 Hectares | 2823 | 506330 |
4 | Elkurthy | 578343 | Geesugonda | 1222 Hectares | 4195 | 506330 |
5 | Ramachandrapur | 578344 | Geesugonda | 268 Hectares | 520 | 506330 |
6 | Anantharam | 578345 | Geesugonda | 469 Hectares | 852 | 506330 |
7 | Geesugonda | 578346 | Geesugonda | 1599 Hectares | 4850 | 506330 |
8 | Potharajpalle | 578347 | Geesugonda | 1912 Hectares | 1542 | 506330 |
9 | Vanchangiri | 578348 | Geesugonda | 956 Hectares | 3427 | 506330 |
10 | Shayampet | 578349 | Geesugonda | 1386 Hectares | 2110 | 506330 |
11 | Ookal (H) | 578350 | Geesugonda | 631 Hectares | 2330 | 506330 |
12 | Machapur | 578351 | Geesugonda | 839 Hectares | 3778 | 506330 |
13 | Viswanathpur | 578352 | Geesugonda | 1013 Hectares | 3450 | 506143 |
14 | Kommala | 578353 | Geesugonda | 459 Hectares | 2472 | 506330 |
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