

Govindaraopet block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Govindaraopet
Block Code : 364
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Govindaraopet

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Machchapur 578022 Govindaraopet 336 Hectares 901 506344
2 Venkatapur 578023 Govindaraopet 187 Hectares -
3 Dammakkapalle 578024 Govindaraopet 28 Hectares -
4 Chalwai 578025 Govindaraopet 984 Hectares 6050 506344
5 Bussapur 578026 Govindaraopet 795 Hectares 886 506344
6 Rangapur 578027 Govindaraopet 1095 Hectares 4678 506344
7 Motlagudem 578028 Govindaraopet 1122 Hectares 741 506344
8 Medaram (Patti Chelva) 578029 Govindaraopet 150 Hectares -
9 Muthapur 578030 Govindaraopet 58 Hectares 340 506344
10 Kannaigudem 578031 Govindaraopet 73 Hectares -
11 Pasranagaram 578032 Govindaraopet 1248 Hectares 5454 506347
12 Laknavaram 578033 Govindaraopet 932 Hectares 4537 506347
13 Karlapalle 578034 Govindaraopet 917 Hectares 2563 506347
14 Rampur 578035 Govindaraopet 929 Hectares 4588 506347

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