

Hanamkonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Hanamkonda
Block Code : 371
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Hanamkonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Kumarapalle (R) 578145 Hanamkonda 311 Hectares 4211 506009
2 Paidipalle 578146 Hanamkonda 2752 Hectares 12105 506006
3 Kothapet 578147 Hanamkonda 1577 Hectares 1589 506006
4 Bhathipalle 578148 Hanamkonda 245 Hectares 2096 506003
5 Kothapalle (H) 578149 Hanamkonda 414 Hectares 1219 506003
6 Tharalapalle 578150 Hanamkonda 544 Hectares 3053 506003
7 Vanamalakanaparthi 578151 Hanamkonda 699 Hectares 2052 506003
8 Kondaparthy 578152 Hanamkonda 2581 Hectares 6439 506003
9 Ammavaripet 578153 Hanamkonda 624 Hectares 412 506003
10 Allipur 578154 Hanamkonda 219 Hectares 1329 506003

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