

Hasanparthy block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Hasanparthy
Block Code : 354
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Hasanparthy

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ananthasagar 577730 Hasanparthy 1024 Hectares 1974 506371
2 Madipalle 577731 Hasanparthy 1218 Hectares 2319 506371
3 Yellapur 577732 Hasanparthy 738 Hectares 2661 506371
4 Laknavaram (D) 577733 Hasanparthy 223 Hectares 25 506371
5 Jaigiri 577734 Hasanparthy 572 Hectares 2421 506371
6 Devannapet 577735 Hasanparthy 677 Hectares 4047 506370
7 Pembarthy 577736 Hasanparthy 934 Hectares 2377 506371
8 Mutcherla 577737 Hasanparthy 1376 Hectares 3691 506015
9 Nagaram 577738 Hasanparthy 1173 Hectares 4077 506371
10 Sudanpalle 577739 Hasanparthy 415 Hectares 1201 506006
11 Mallareddipalle 577740 Hasanparthy 677 Hectares 3100 506006
12 Arvapalle 577741 Hasanparthy 523 Hectares 1344 506006
13 Siddhapoor 577742 Hasanparthy 983 Hectares 4444 506006
14 Vangapahad 577743 Hasanparthy 1169 Hectares 5708 506006

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