

Mogullapalle block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Mogullapalle
Block Code : 356
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Mogullapalle

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Dubyala 577771 Mogullapalle 755 Hectares 1805 506356
2 Raghavareddipet 577772 Mogullapalle 573 Hectares 1681 506356
3 Akinepalle 577773 Mogullapalle 673 Hectares 2139 506366
4 Pothugal 577774 Mogullapalle 727 Hectares 1048 506366
5 Kurkishala 577775 Mogullapalle 331 Hectares 1100 506366
6 Peddakomatipalle 577776 Mogullapalle 620 Hectares 1752 506366
7 Parlapalle 577777 Mogullapalle 781 Hectares 2831 506366
8 Motlapalle 577778 Mogullapalle 744 Hectares 2617 506366
9 Metpalle 577779 Mogullapalle 749 Hectares 1549 506366
10 Gundlakarthi 577780 Mogullapalle 207 Hectares 592 506366
11 Vemulapalle 577781 Mogullapalle 862 Hectares 2993 506366
12 Gudipahad 577782 Mogullapalle 374 Hectares 1059 506366
13 Pidisilla 577783 Mogullapalle 844 Hectares 2746 506366
14 Mulkalapalle 577784 Mogullapalle 538 Hectares 1628 506366
15 Mogullapalle 577785 Mogullapalle 1198 Hectares 3991 506366
16 Issipet 577786 Mogullapalle 1338 Hectares 4736 506366
17 Ankushapur 577787 Mogullapalle 173 Hectares 747 506367
18 Medaramatla 577788 Mogullapalle 484 Hectares 1114 506366
19 Rangapuram 577789 Mogullapalle 839 Hectares 3259 506366

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