

Nallabelly block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nallabelly
Block Code : 368
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Nallabelly

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Nandigama 578086 Nallabelly 548 Hectares 2256 506349
2 Relakunta 578087 Nallabelly 535 Hectares 1846 506349
3 Rangapuram 578088 Nallabelly 187 Hectares 2113 506349
4 Arshanpalle 578089 Nallabelly 528 Hectares 1550 506349
5 Kannaraopet 578090 Nallabelly 729 Hectares 1091 506349
6 Govindapur 578091 Nallabelly 4159 Hectares 2768 506132
7 Kondapur 578092 Nallabelly 172 Hectares 695 506132
8 Rampur 578093 Nallabelly 496 Hectares 1174 506132
9 Nagrajpalle 578094 Nallabelly 564 Hectares 1094 506349
10 Shanigaram 578095 Nallabelly 802 Hectares 1838 506349
11 Ramteertham 578096 Nallabelly 299 Hectares 1411 506349
12 Muchimpula 578097 Nallabelly 1046 Hectares 1798 506349
13 Lenkalpalle 578098 Nallabelly 465 Hectares 1837 506349
14 Nallabelly 578099 Nallabelly 889 Hectares 5205 506349
15 Narakkapet 578100 Nallabelly 583 Hectares 2809 506132
16 Rudragudem 578101 Nallabelly 459 Hectares 2918 506349
17 Gundlapahad 578102 Nallabelly 781 Hectares 1919 506132
18 Medapalle 578103 Nallabelly 878 Hectares 2510 506132
19 Asaravelli 578104 Nallabelly 525 Hectares 671 506132

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