

Nekkonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nekkonda
Block Code : 388
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Nekkonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Mudigonda 578495 Nekkonda 707 Hectares 1680 506122
2 Deekshakunta 578496 Nekkonda 2136 Hectares 3624 506122
3 Chandrugonda 578497 Nekkonda 1966 Hectares 5967 506122
4 Panikera 578498 Nekkonda 889 Hectares 1136 506122
5 Gundrepalle 578499 Nekkonda 467 Hectares 1647 506122
6 Nekkonda 578500 Nekkonda 896 Hectares 7264 506122
7 Pathipaka 578501 Nekkonda 492 Hectares 923 506319
8 Redlawada 578502 Nekkonda 1882 Hectares 5092 506369
9 Gotlakonda 578503 Nekkonda 763 Hectares 2091 506369
10 Bollikonda 578504 Nekkonda 497 Hectares 1511 506369
11 Alamkhanipet 578505 Nekkonda 1033 Hectares 3208 506112
12 Topanpalle 578506 Nekkonda 444 Hectares 1560 506122
13 Venkatapur 578507 Nekkonda 987 Hectares 1700 506359
14 Appalaraopet 578508 Nekkonda 1233 Hectares 3986 506122
15 Peddakorpole 578509 Nekkonda 904 Hectares 3138 506112
16 Chinnakorpole 578510 Nekkonda 556 Hectares 1739 506112
17 Nagaram 578511 Nekkonda 2271 Hectares 3025 506112

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