

Raiparthy block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Raiparthy
Block Code : 379
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Raiparthy

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Keshavapur 578285 Raiparthy 700 Hectares 2271 506314
2 Kolanpalle 578286 Raiparthy 1463 Hectares 2725 506314
3 Konduru 578287 Raiparthy 1887 Hectares 3279 506314
4 Gannaram 578288 Raiparthy 469 Hectares 1386 506314
5 Thirmalapalle 578289 Raiparthy 868 Hectares 2833 506314
6 Raiparthy 578290 Raiparthy 3000 Hectares 8618 506314
7 Kothur 578291 Raiparthy 1964 Hectares 5346 506314
8 Perikaid 578292 Raiparthy 1829 Hectares 5758 506314
9 Mylaram 578293 Raiparthy 1403 Hectares 3713 506314
10 Muripirala 578294 Raiparthy 1575 Hectares 3094 506314
11 Burahanpalle 578295 Raiparthy 557 Hectares 1732 506314
12 Katrapalle 578296 Raiparthy 994 Hectares 2395 506314
13 Pothureddipalle 578297 Raiparthy 845 Hectares 1785 506223
14 Sannur 578298 Raiparthy 1418 Hectares 3667 506163
15 Jagannadhapalle 578299 Raiparthy 504 Hectares 1514 506314
16 Gattikal 578300 Raiparthy 601 Hectares 1735 506314
17 Kondapur (P.R) 578301 Raiparthy 374 Hectares 1827 506314
18 Ookal (P.R) 578302 Raiparthy 1147 Hectares 2511 506314

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