

Shayampet block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Shayampet
Block Code : 367
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Shayampet

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Pedda Kodepaka 578073 Shayampet 1830 Hectares 5580 506164
2 Koppula 578074 Shayampet 1165 Hectares 5635 506164
3 Vasanthapur 578075 Shayampet 687 Hectares 1370 506164
4 Mylaram 578076 Shayampet 749 Hectares 2351 506164
5 Taharapur 578077 Shayampet 678 Hectares 2585 506319
6 Gatlakaniparthy 578078 Shayampet 1022 Hectares 3302 506318
7 Singaram (Kothagutta) 578079 Shayampet 579 Hectares 948 506164
8 Shayampet 578080 Shayampet 1065 Hectares 6878 506319
9 Hussainpalle 578081 Shayampet 256 Hectares 402 506319
10 Singaram (Dongala) 578082 Shayampet 581 Hectares 1823 506349
11 Pattipaka 578083 Shayampet 985 Hectares 4172 506164
12 Neredpalle 578084 Shayampet 484 Hectares 1832 506349
13 Katrapalle 578085 Shayampet 2024 Hectares 3414 506164

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