

Thorrur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Thorrur
Block Code : 390
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Warangal (Rural) District

Nearest Village to Thorrur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Nancharimadur 578525 Thorrur 1309 Hectares 3551 506317
2 Velikatte 578526 Thorrur 1381 Hectares 4985 506163
3 Kommanapalle 578527 Thorrur 267 Hectares 676 506163
4 Ammapur 578528 Thorrur 873 Hectares 5372 506163
5 Khanapur 578529 Thorrur 524 Hectares 961 506163
6 Gurthur 578530 Thorrur 583 Hectares 2707 506163
7 Somaram 578531 Thorrur 768 Hectares 2132 506314
8 Zamisthanpur 578532 Thorrur 276 Hectares 437 506314
9 Kantaipalem 578533 Thorrur 1189 Hectares 2969 506163
10 Chinthalapalle 578534 Thorrur 838 Hectares 2244 506163
11 Madipalle 578535 Thorrur 1197 Hectares 3419 506163
12 Fathepur 578536 Thorrur 731 Hectares 2298 506163
13 Gopalagiri 578537 Thorrur 633 Hectares 612 506163
14 Venkatapur 578538 Thorrur 473 Hectares 1670 506163
15 Chinnavangara 578539 Thorrur 1409 Hectares 3380 506317
16 Chityal 578540 Thorrur 1145 Hectares 2827 506318
17 Bommakal 578541 Thorrur 743 Hectares 1912 506318
18 Karkal 578542 Thorrur 226 Hectares 802 506318
19 Haripriyal 578543 Thorrur 1548 Hectares 5076 506163
20 Chikataipalem 578544 Thorrur 779 Hectares 2094 506163
21 Cherlapalem 578545 Thorrur 466 Hectares 2408 506163
22 Bonthupalle 578546 Thorrur 609 Hectares -
23 Matedu 578547 Thorrur 751 Hectares 3489 506163
24 Polepalle 578548 Thorrur 552 Hectares 1398 506163

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