

Bhimadole block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bhimadole
Block Code : 632
District : West Siang
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in West Siang District

Nearest Village to Bhimadole

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Polasanipalle 588354 Bhimadole 882 Hectares 4890 534425
2 Surappagudem 588355 Bhimadole 952 Hectares 3217 534425
3 Bhimadole 588356 Bhimadole 2019 Hectares 13669 534425
4 Amberpeta 588357 Bhimadole 2219 Hectares 5876 534401
5 Duddepudi 588358 Bhimadole 325 Hectares 1235 534427
6 Kodurupadu 588359 Bhimadole 489 Hectares 1227 534427
7 Pulla 588360 Bhimadole 3665 Hectares 13043 534401
8 Gundugolanu 588361 Bhimadole 1435 Hectares 11895 534427
9 Agadallanka 588362 Bhimadole 6395 Hectares 7195 534427
10 Chettunnapadu 588363 Bhimadole 1739 Hectares 2417 534427
11 Mallavaram 588364 Bhimadole 1074 Hectares 552 534427

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