

Kovvur block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Kovvur
Block Code : 627
District : West Siang
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in West Siang District

Nearest Village to Kovvur

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Decherla 588266 Kovvur 753 Hectares 1139 534342
2 Isukapatlapangidi 588267 Kovvur 637 Hectares 6855 534342
3 Dommeru 588268 Kovvur 1554 Hectares 13000 534351
4 Dharmavaram 588269 Kovvur 719 Hectares 3831 534340
5 Penakanametta 588270 Kovvur 470 Hectares 4247 534351
6 Chidipi 588271 Kovvur 149 Hectares 1584 534350
7 Kumaradevam 588272 Kovvur 674 Hectares 4015 534350
8 Arikirevula 588273 Kovvur 348 Hectares 3190 534350
9 Nandamuru 588274 Kovvur 278 Hectares 1530 534342
10 Pasivedala 588275 Kovvur 564 Hectares 6182 534342
11 Vemuluru 588276 Kovvur 696 Hectares 4782 534350
12 Thogummi 588277 Kovvur 287 Hectares 3221 534350
13 Vadapalle 588278 Kovvur 904 Hectares 7472 534350
14 Madduru 588279 Kovvur 675 Hectares 6583 534302
15 Chigurulanka 588280 Kovvur 82 Hectares -
16 Maddurulanka 588281 Kovvur 246 Hectares 1147 534302

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