

Nallajerla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Nallajerla
Block Code : 625
District : West Siang
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in West Siang District

Nearest Village to Nallajerla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Anumunilanka 588239 Nallajerla 1740 Hectares 4712 534176
2 Pothavaram 588240 Nallajerla 1985 Hectares 10130 534176
3 Ananthapalle 588241 Nallajerla 2372 Hectares 12412 534111
4 Sanjeevapuram 588242 Nallajerla 545 Hectares -
5 Veeravalli 588243 Nallajerla 96 Hectares -
6 Gundepalle @ Chodavaram(East) 588244 Nallajerla 1169 Hectares 5175 534111
7 Chodavaram (West) 588245 Nallajerla 404 Hectares 914 534111
8 Cheepurugudem 588246 Nallajerla 685 Hectares 2482 534176
9 Nallajerla 588247 Nallajerla 3964 Hectares 13457 534112
10 Dubacherla 588248 Nallajerla 4839 Hectares 13101 534112
11 Marellamudi 588249 Nallajerla 926 Hectares 1480 534112
12 Avapadu 588250 Nallajerla 2808 Hectares 6016 534112
13 Prakasaraopalem 588251 Nallajerla 1129 Hectares 4721 534112
14 Telikicherla 588252 Nallajerla 1931 Hectares 5788 534111

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