

Penugonda block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Penugonda
Block Code : 649
District : West Siang
State : Andhra Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in West Siang District

Nearest Village to Penugonda

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Cherukuwada 588674 Penugonda 627 Hectares 7391 534320
2 Vadali 588675 Penugonda 685 Hectares 5705 534320
3 Sidhantham 588676 Penugonda 1072 Hectares 13188 534320
4 Ilaparru 588677 Penugonda 351 Hectares 2872 534326
5 Ramannapalem 588678 Penugonda 325 Hectares 3059 534326
6 Munamarru 588679 Penugonda 283 Hectares 1204 534324
7 Venkatramapuram 588680 Penugonda 102 Hectares 1412 534320
8 Penugonda 588681 Penugonda 1116 Hectares 16038 534320
9 Kothalaparru 588682 Penugonda 225 Hectares 2327 534320
10 Tamarada 588683 Penugonda 255 Hectares 1823 534320
11 Deva 588684 Penugonda 380 Hectares 2946 534320
12 Mulaparru 588685 Penugonda 663 Hectares 4669 534320
13 Nadipudi 588686 Penugonda 544 Hectares 3342 534320
14 Chinamallam 588687 Penugonda 473 Hectares 3341 534269

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