Khimiyong block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Khimiyong |
Block Code | : | 58 |
District | : | Changlang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Yanman | 264040 | Khimiyong | - | 535 | |
2 | Hanalthong | 264041 | Khimiyong | - | 172 | |
3 | Longkey | 264042 | Khimiyong | - | 275 | |
4 | Panlom | 264043 | Khimiyong | - | 200 | |
5 | Songkhu Havi | 264044 | Khimiyong | - | 199 | |
6 | Jongji Havi | 264045 | Khimiyong | - | 414 | |
7 | Tongthung Havi | 264046 | Khimiyong | - | 99 | |
8 | Lungsang | 264047 | Khimiyong | - | 255 | |
9 | Wafang | 264048 | Khimiyong | - | 57 | |
10 | Thamlom | 264049 | Khimiyong | - | 211 | |
11 | Sumlam | 264050 | Khimiyong | - | - | |
12 | Khimiyong Village | 264051 | Khimiyong | - | 342 | |
13 | Khimiyong H.Q. | 264052 | Khimiyong | - | 123 | |
14 | New Longkey (New) | 264053 | Khimiyong | - | 39 | |
15 | Yanchang(New) | 264054 | Khimiyong | - | 91 |
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