

Lumla block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Lumla
Block Code : 2
District : Tawang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Tawang District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Lumla

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Lumla H.Q. 261395 Lumla - 560
2 Lumla Village (Soleng) 261396 Lumla - 389
3 New Lumla 261397 Lumla - 565
4 Khozo (Melenghar) (Tabrang) (Mayur) 261398 Lumla - 318
5 Mangnam 261399 Lumla - 869
6 Thrillam 261400 Lumla - 226
7 Bukiong 261401 Lumla - 129
8 Sakyur 261402 Lumla - 286
9 Hoongla 261403 Lumla - 224
10 Pharmay 261404 Lumla - 114
11 Khuminthang 261405 Lumla - 151
12 Dugumba 261406 Lumla - 161
13 Suhung(Jung) 261407 Lumla - 71
14 Sazo 261408 Lumla - 187
15 Kungba 261409 Lumla - 282
16 Kharteng 261410 Lumla - 453
17 Phomang 261411 Lumla - 184
18 Baghar 261412 Lumla - 218
19 Sharbrang 261413 Lumla - 189
20 Yabab 261414 Lumla - 119
21 Gispu 261415 Lumla - 477
22 Kudung 261416 Lumla - -

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