

Laju block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Laju
Block Code : 71
District : Tirap
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Tirap District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Laju

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Laju 264573 Laju - 1533
2 Lower Chinhan 264574 Laju - 627
3 Upper Chinhan 264575 Laju - 123
4 Noglo 264576 Laju - 673
5 Lonyen 264577 Laju - 287
6 Lower Sinnu 264578 Laju - 498
7 Raho 264579 Laju - 358
8 Longliang 264580 Laju - 702
9 Liangchen 264581 Laju - 138
10 Sangliam 264582 Laju - 185
11 Pongkong 264583 Laju - 370
12 Upper Kolam 264584 Laju - 636
13 Lower Kolam 264585 Laju - 380
14 Tutnyu 264586 Laju - 605
15 New Kothung 264587 Laju - 500
16 Old Kothung 264588 Laju - 405
17 Nogna 264589 Laju - 395
18 Thungjang 264590 Laju - 251
19 Laju H.Q. 264591 Laju - 447

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