

Geku block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Geku
Block Code : 56
District : Upper Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in Upper Siang District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Geku

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Komkar (Buksang) 263998 Geku - 407
2 Komkar(Sizer) 263999 Geku - 257
3 Komkar(Rasing) 264000 Geku - 439
4 Sikadine 264001 Geku - 186
5 Delek 264002 Geku - 82
6 Jommo-Kupak 264003 Geku - 390
7 Silli Hydel Camp 264004 Geku - 10
8 Ramku 264005 Geku - 214
9 Peram 264006 Geku - 429
10 Boom 264007 Geku - 170
11 Kumku 264008 Geku - 539
12 Sumsing 264009 Geku - 502
13 Geku H.Q. 264010 Geku - 820
14 Sibum 264032 Geku - 689
15 Jeru 264033 Geku - 366
16 Pongging 264034 Geku - 339
17 Padu Abong 264035 Geku - 155
18 Padu Tangkum 264036 Geku - 448
19 Silli 264037 Geku - 264
20 Jeging Camp 264038 Geku - 110
21 Katan H.Q. 264039 Geku - 573

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