

Gensi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Gensi
Block Code : 43
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Gram Panchayat list in West Siang District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Gensi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Garu 263686 Gensi - 81
2 Garu Camp 263687 Gensi 5000 Hectares 83
3 New Bomte 263688 Gensi 3000 Hectares 51
4 Bomte 263689 Gensi - 86
5 Takso 263690 Gensi 8400 Hectares 135
6 Bigi 263691 Gensi 94000 Hectares 42
7 Gensi H.Q. 263692 Gensi - 467
8 Tatamori 263693 Gensi 6700 Hectares 161
9 Litemori 263694 Gensi - 80
10 Gensi 263695 Gensi - 225
11 Bumpek 263696 Gensi - 358
12 Roma Village 263697 Gensi - 14
13 Gengi 263698 Gensi - 37
14 Taramori 263699 Gensi - 134
15 Liduk 263700 Gensi - 103
16 Paimori 263701 Gensi - 140
17 Ringi 263702 Gensi 11070 Hectares 87
18 Dibe 263703 Gensi 43020 Hectares 27
19 Lutak 263704 Gensi - 97
20 Yachungi Garuh 263705 Gensi 231.4 Hectares 84
21 Yachungi 263706 Gensi 6570.5 Hectares 79
22 Ossumpuri 263707 Gensi 50.7 Hectares 53
23 Sibe 263708 Gensi 1500 Hectares 244
24 Ditten 263709 Gensi 725 Hectares 123
25 Tango 263710 Gensi - 94
26 Sibe Rite 263711 Gensi - 43

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