

Chenga block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Chenga
Block Code : 32
District : Barpeta
State : Assam

Gram Panchayat list in Barpeta District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Chenga

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Bardia 282934 Chenga 128.89 Hectares 31 781305
2 Sarudia 282935 Chenga 89.64 Hectares 498 781305
3 Atiya 282936 Chenga 154 Hectares 311 781305
4 Khutabari 282937 Chenga 89.4 Hectares 39 781305
5 Bandali 282938 Chenga 306.22 Hectares 3797 781305
6 Jatradia N.C. 282939 Chenga 442.97 Hectares 243
7 Bardia N.C. 282940 Chenga 230.89 Hectares -
8 Sarudia N.C. 282941 Chenga 468.59 Hectares -
9 Arimara N.C. 282942 Chenga 153.34 Hectares 99 781305
10 Chenglidia 282943 Chenga 166.85 Hectares 668
11 Chenimari 282944 Chenga 205 Hectares 419
12 Balidhari 282945 Chenga 136.41 Hectares 920
13 Chenimari N.C. 282946 Chenga 31.7 Hectares 122
14 Chenglidia N.C. 282947 Chenga 63.87 Hectares 391
15 Majar Char 282948 Chenga 174.69 Hectares 1198
16 Damdama 282949 Chenga 226.77 Hectares 1550
17 Dakhin Godhani N.C. 282950 Chenga 1109.43 Hectares 2600
18 Damdama N.C. 282951 Chenga 156.49 Hectares 233
19 Uttar Godhani N.C. 282952 Chenga 308.57 Hectares 837
20 Chagbandha N.C. 282953 Chenga 650 Hectares 1586 781127
21 Kachumara N.C. 282954 Chenga 270.7 Hectares 6865 781127
22 Aduripara N.C. 282955 Chenga 805 Hectares 2207
23 Mairadia N.C. 282956 Chenga 650 Hectares 2508
24 Kachumara 282957 Chenga 241.88 Hectares 1565
25 Kashimpur 282958 Chenga 66.03 Hectares 1520 781127
26 Mahsara 282959 Chenga 160.88 Hectares 1783 781127
27 Simalubari 282960 Chenga 145.42 Hectares 1255
28 Mahsara N.C. 282961 Chenga 483.8 Hectares 5399
29 Halanga Para N.C. 282962 Chenga 562.24 Hectares 1460
30 Pampara N.C. 282963 Chenga 535.47 Hectares 1986 781127
31 Chutia Para 282975 Chenga 164.7 Hectares 943 781309
32 Matabari 282976 Chenga 130.18 Hectares 1512 781305
33 Batgaon 282977 Chenga 135.02 Hectares 1695 781305
34 Saru Chenga 282978 Chenga 237.44 Hectares 237 781305
35 Kadamtala 282979 Chenga 218.77 Hectares 719 781305
36 Bampara 282980 Chenga 136.1 Hectares 1528
37 Ganak Para 282981 Chenga 249.13 Hectares 4006 781305
38 Gelabil 282982 Chenga 198.4 Hectares 2239 781302
39 Kakdhowa 282983 Chenga 141 Hectares 2501 781302
40 Fulbari 282984 Chenga 104.52 Hectares 3205 781302
41 Haripur 282985 Chenga 216.7 Hectares 5781 781302
42 Niz Bahari 282986 Chenga 284.92 Hectares 3352 781302
43 Bar Chenga 282987 Chenga 145.76 Hectares -
44 Niz Chenga 282988 Chenga 275.39 Hectares 5537 781305
45 Subha 282989 Chenga 174.79 Hectares 524 781305
46 Muchalman Gaon 282990 Chenga 334.47 Hectares 6385 781305
47 Maneri 282991 Chenga 211.65 Hectares 1126 781305
48 Barbhitha 282992 Chenga 228.06 Hectares 2734
49 Khangra 282993 Chenga 160.8 Hectares 3401 781305
50 Bechimari (Pathar) 282994 Chenga 107.2 Hectares 430 781305
51 Chanartari 282995 Chenga 181.74 Hectares 2305
52 Malipara 282996 Chenga 218.52 Hectares 2881
53 Balartari 282997 Chenga 186.62 Hectares 1644 781305
54 Chata Gaon 282998 Chenga 165.5 Hectares 2533 781305
55 Roumari Gaon 282999 Chenga 228 Hectares 1699 781305
56 Roumari Pathar 283000 Chenga 257 Hectares 3229 781305

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