Chenga block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Chenga |
Block Code | : | 32 |
District | : | Barpeta |
State | : | Assam |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Bardia | 282934 | Chenga | 128.89 Hectares | 31 | 781305 |
2 | Sarudia | 282935 | Chenga | 89.64 Hectares | 498 | 781305 |
3 | Atiya | 282936 | Chenga | 154 Hectares | 311 | 781305 |
4 | Khutabari | 282937 | Chenga | 89.4 Hectares | 39 | 781305 |
5 | Bandali | 282938 | Chenga | 306.22 Hectares | 3797 | 781305 |
6 | Jatradia N.C. | 282939 | Chenga | 442.97 Hectares | 243 | |
7 | Bardia N.C. | 282940 | Chenga | 230.89 Hectares | - | |
8 | Sarudia N.C. | 282941 | Chenga | 468.59 Hectares | - | |
9 | Arimara N.C. | 282942 | Chenga | 153.34 Hectares | 99 | 781305 |
10 | Chenglidia | 282943 | Chenga | 166.85 Hectares | 668 | |
11 | Chenimari | 282944 | Chenga | 205 Hectares | 419 | |
12 | Balidhari | 282945 | Chenga | 136.41 Hectares | 920 | |
13 | Chenimari N.C. | 282946 | Chenga | 31.7 Hectares | 122 | |
14 | Chenglidia N.C. | 282947 | Chenga | 63.87 Hectares | 391 | |
15 | Majar Char | 282948 | Chenga | 174.69 Hectares | 1198 | |
16 | Damdama | 282949 | Chenga | 226.77 Hectares | 1550 | |
17 | Dakhin Godhani N.C. | 282950 | Chenga | 1109.43 Hectares | 2600 | |
18 | Damdama N.C. | 282951 | Chenga | 156.49 Hectares | 233 | |
19 | Uttar Godhani N.C. | 282952 | Chenga | 308.57 Hectares | 837 | |
20 | Chagbandha N.C. | 282953 | Chenga | 650 Hectares | 1586 | 781127 |
21 | Kachumara N.C. | 282954 | Chenga | 270.7 Hectares | 6865 | 781127 |
22 | Aduripara N.C. | 282955 | Chenga | 805 Hectares | 2207 | |
23 | Mairadia N.C. | 282956 | Chenga | 650 Hectares | 2508 | |
24 | Kachumara | 282957 | Chenga | 241.88 Hectares | 1565 | |
25 | Kashimpur | 282958 | Chenga | 66.03 Hectares | 1520 | 781127 |
26 | Mahsara | 282959 | Chenga | 160.88 Hectares | 1783 | 781127 |
27 | Simalubari | 282960 | Chenga | 145.42 Hectares | 1255 | |
28 | Mahsara N.C. | 282961 | Chenga | 483.8 Hectares | 5399 | |
29 | Halanga Para N.C. | 282962 | Chenga | 562.24 Hectares | 1460 | |
30 | Pampara N.C. | 282963 | Chenga | 535.47 Hectares | 1986 | 781127 |
31 | Chutia Para | 282975 | Chenga | 164.7 Hectares | 943 | 781309 |
32 | Matabari | 282976 | Chenga | 130.18 Hectares | 1512 | 781305 |
33 | Batgaon | 282977 | Chenga | 135.02 Hectares | 1695 | 781305 |
34 | Saru Chenga | 282978 | Chenga | 237.44 Hectares | 237 | 781305 |
35 | Kadamtala | 282979 | Chenga | 218.77 Hectares | 719 | 781305 |
36 | Bampara | 282980 | Chenga | 136.1 Hectares | 1528 | |
37 | Ganak Para | 282981 | Chenga | 249.13 Hectares | 4006 | 781305 |
38 | Gelabil | 282982 | Chenga | 198.4 Hectares | 2239 | 781302 |
39 | Kakdhowa | 282983 | Chenga | 141 Hectares | 2501 | 781302 |
40 | Fulbari | 282984 | Chenga | 104.52 Hectares | 3205 | 781302 |
41 | Haripur | 282985 | Chenga | 216.7 Hectares | 5781 | 781302 |
42 | Niz Bahari | 282986 | Chenga | 284.92 Hectares | 3352 | 781302 |
43 | Bar Chenga | 282987 | Chenga | 145.76 Hectares | - | |
44 | Niz Chenga | 282988 | Chenga | 275.39 Hectares | 5537 | 781305 |
45 | Subha | 282989 | Chenga | 174.79 Hectares | 524 | 781305 |
46 | Muchalman Gaon | 282990 | Chenga | 334.47 Hectares | 6385 | 781305 |
47 | Maneri | 282991 | Chenga | 211.65 Hectares | 1126 | 781305 |
48 | Barbhitha | 282992 | Chenga | 228.06 Hectares | 2734 | |
49 | Khangra | 282993 | Chenga | 160.8 Hectares | 3401 | 781305 |
50 | Bechimari (Pathar) | 282994 | Chenga | 107.2 Hectares | 430 | 781305 |
51 | Chanartari | 282995 | Chenga | 181.74 Hectares | 2305 | |
52 | Malipara | 282996 | Chenga | 218.52 Hectares | 2881 | |
53 | Balartari | 282997 | Chenga | 186.62 Hectares | 1644 | 781305 |
54 | Chata Gaon | 282998 | Chenga | 165.5 Hectares | 2533 | 781305 |
55 | Roumari Gaon | 282999 | Chenga | 228 Hectares | 1699 | 781305 |
56 | Roumari Pathar | 283000 | Chenga | 257 Hectares | 3229 | 781305 |
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