

Ruposhi block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Ruposhi
Block Code : 30
District : Barpeta
State : Assam

Gram Panchayat list in Barpeta District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Ruposhi

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Raha Gaon 282685 Ruposhi 129 Hectares 1192 781317
2 Dharma Pur 282686 Ruposhi 184.66 Hectares 1654 781317
3 Ghugu Bari 282687 Ruposhi 275.91 Hectares 4060 781317
4 Khata Kuchi (Lhta Kuchi) 282688 Ruposhi 213.75 Hectares 1919 781317
5 Kamar Para 282689 Ruposhi 133.24 Hectares 145 781317
6 Haldia Gaon 282693 Ruposhi 330.85 Hectares 3873
7 Haldia Pathar 282694 Ruposhi 168.85 Hectares 1963
8 Jamer Kur 282695 Ruposhi 127.91 Hectares 1709
9 Bhera 282696 Ruposhi 260.17 Hectares 2381
10 Bardonga 282697 Ruposhi 178.5 Hectares 1030
11 Meni Simla 282698 Ruposhi 279.78 Hectares 897
12 Char Charia 282699 Ruposhi 274.32 Hectares 1686
13 Guileza 282700 Ruposhi 236.77 Hectares 2809
14 Srirampur 282701 Ruposhi 286.49 Hectares 802
15 Golia 282702 Ruposhi 301.73 Hectares 2725
16 Mowamari 282703 Ruposhi 284.3 Hectares 1719
17 Besimari 282704 Ruposhi 104.7 Hectares 1032
18 Lachanga 282705 Ruposhi 377.74 Hectares 5159
19 Bilortari 282706 Ruposhi 230.01 Hectares 2432
20 Dewkura 282707 Ruposhi 104.88 Hectares 1681
21 Monakocha 282708 Ruposhi 168.51 Hectares 1551
22 Dimapur 282709 Ruposhi 227.99 Hectares 1840
23 Balai Pathar 282710 Ruposhi 367.39 Hectares 4365
24 Kaur Jahi 282711 Ruposhi 154.64 Hectares 1185
25 Kasukati 282712 Ruposhi 190.35 Hectares 1000
26 Sutir Pathar 282713 Ruposhi 216.77 Hectares 385
27 Khar Balli 282714 Ruposhi 257.74 Hectares 3196
28 Kalgachia 282715 Ruposhi 348.22 Hectares 6304
29 Amguri 282716 Ruposhi 259.58 Hectares 2732 781317
30 Gunialguri 282717 Ruposhi 289.82 Hectares 4180
31 Dabandia 282718 Ruposhi 263.67 Hectares 3292
32 Nadiapara 282719 Ruposhi 115.49 Hectares 1361
33 Tapeswara 282720 Ruposhi 343.37 Hectares 4093
34 Aditpur 282721 Ruposhi 187.92 Hectares 2654
35 Balapathar 282722 Ruposhi 344.36 Hectares 3924
36 Udmari 282723 Ruposhi 176.65 Hectares 2048
37 Sawpur (Saalpur) 282724 Ruposhi 626.28 Hectares 4682
38 Chariatpur 282725 Ruposhi 216.03 Hectares 2605
39 Digjani 282726 Ruposhi 294.53 Hectares 3998
40 Khudrakuchi 282727 Ruposhi 246.24 Hectares 2725
41 Balagaon 282728 Ruposhi 189.45 Hectares 1781
42 Bagulamari 282729 Ruposhi 183.34 Hectares 2146
43 Langla 282730 Ruposhi 190.83 Hectares 2355
44 Chenimari 282731 Ruposhi 179.6 Hectares 2045
45 Titapani 282732 Ruposhi 287.94 Hectares 3380
46 Bankabhanga 282733 Ruposhi 174.8 Hectares 1362
47 Rampur 282734 Ruposhi 325.12 Hectares 3567
48 Khelli 282735 Ruposhi 242.53 Hectares 3220
49 Banghugi 282736 Ruposhi 341.37 Hectares 3578
50 Garali Pam 282737 Ruposhi 221.96 Hectares 2078 781321
51 Kandulia 282738 Ruposhi 333.4 Hectares 3033 781321
52 Bartari 282739 Ruposhi 265.9 Hectares 2931 781321
53 Khudrakhowa 282740 Ruposhi 408.12 Hectares 1930 781321
54 Uprupi 282741 Ruposhi 247.12 Hectares 2361 781321
55 Mohia 282742 Ruposhi 210.81 Hectares 1842 781321
56 Hatchara 282743 Ruposhi 287.43 Hectares 2403 781321
57 Barbhitha 282744 Ruposhi 253.01 Hectares 3391 781321
58 Chandmama Pathar 282745 Ruposhi 123.42 Hectares 1795 781321
59 Solmari 282746 Ruposhi 191.51 Hectares 2162 781321
60 Chandmama Gaon 282747 Ruposhi 278.2 Hectares 2696 781321
61 Khatatari 282748 Ruposhi 233.82 Hectares 2867
62 Sawrachar V.G.R. 282749 Ruposhi 234.56 Hectares 2327
63 Sawrachar Pathar(Sewra Chera) 282750 Ruposhi 182.05 Hectares 1039
64 Sawrachar Gaon(Sewrachera Gaon 282751 Ruposhi 356.52 Hectares 2348
65 Chikni 282752 Ruposhi 200.04 Hectares 3142 781321
66 Jaurimari V.G.R. 282753 Ruposhi 94.97 Hectares 55
67 Isabpur 282754 Ruposhi 179.34 Hectares 2149
68 Manikpur 282755 Ruposhi 131.4 Hectares 794

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