

Rongjuli block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Rongjuli
Block Code : 27
District : Goalpara
State : Assam

Gram Panchayat list in Goalpara District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Rongjuli

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Melopara Pt-II 282466 Rongjuli 96.58 Hectares 329
2 Kuchdhowa Chechapani Pt-II 282469 Rongjuli 460.43 Hectares 3499
3 Domnapara Pt-I 282473 Rongjuli 157.2 Hectares 880
4 Barbari 282474 Rongjuli 220.17 Hectares 725
5 Simlitola 282475 Rongjuli 255.17 Hectares 3390 783131
6 Kamar Pota 282476 Rongjuli 301.35 Hectares 2913
7 Gerua 282477 Rongjuli 297.23 Hectares 1334
8 Tiplai Pt-I 282478 Rongjuli 333.65 Hectares 2592
9 Rakshini Pahar 282479 Rongjuli 51.6 Hectares 46 783101
10 Simlitola T.E. 282480 Rongjuli 485.41 Hectares 1862
11 Kankata Pt-I 282481 Rongjuli 265.83 Hectares 1990
12 Kankata Pt-II 282482 Rongjuli 192.23 Hectares 1229
13 Kanyakuchi Saljhar 282483 Rongjuli 520.6 Hectares 21
14 Chatabari 282484 Rongjuli 25.16 Hectares 196
15 Kanyakuchi 282485 Rongjuli 133.58 Hectares 505
16 Chowkapara Kahibari 282486 Rongjuli 90.04 Hectares 276
17 Allibari 282487 Rongjuli 193.14 Hectares 429
18 Ganesh Pahar 282488 Rongjuli 30.93 Hectares 14
19 Kahibari Pt-II 282489 Rongjuli 86.93 Hectares 357 783130
20 Kahibari Pt-I 282490 Rongjuli 328.21 Hectares 339 783130
21 Sikajuli Kuhiarbari 282491 Rongjuli 406.94 Hectares 1889
22 Tipli Pt-III 282492 Rongjuli 470.34 Hectares 4086
23 Ullubari Choutra Naitarabeel 282493 Rongjuli 222.83 Hectares 924
24 Garuchatka Pt-I 282494 Rongjuli 271.82 Hectares 3080
25 Bangaon 282495 Rongjuli 140.85 Hectares 887
26 Tiplai Pt-II 282496 Rongjuli 299.16 Hectares 643
27 Sikajulighagra Mowamari 282497 Rongjuli 212.77 Hectares 284
28 Bhalukjuli 282498 Rongjuli 112.06 Hectares 168
29 Khilamara 282499 Rongjuli 146.62 Hectares 529
30 Budlung Pahar 282500 Rongjuli 649.13 Hectares 598
31 Kahibari Garopara 282501 Rongjuli 118.38 Hectares 379
32 Garopara 282502 Rongjuli 170.42 Hectares 919
33 Thakuriapara 282503 Rongjuli 91.3 Hectares 391
34 Kayashthapara 282504 Rongjuli 145.94 Hectares 582
35 Majpara Khamar 282505 Rongjuli 32.08 Hectares 169
36 Bakrapara Pt-I 282506 Rongjuli 84.06 Hectares 377
37 Budlung Chanchali Para 282507 Rongjuli 153.47 Hectares 652
38 Budlung Garopara 282508 Rongjuli 158.78 Hectares 541
39 Budlung Saljhar 282509 Rongjuli 99.75 Hectares 68
40 Ghagra Saljhar 282510 Rongjuli 26.16 Hectares 39
41 Ouguri 282511 Rongjuli 57.32 Hectares 218
42 Ghagra Pahar 282512 Rongjuli 277.87 Hectares 100
43 Bamuni Gaon Pt-II 282513 Rongjuli 51.51 Hectares 189
44 Bamuni Gaon Pt-I 282514 Rongjuli 119.93 Hectares 352
45 Chitalmari Bangaon 282515 Rongjuli 313.52 Hectares 24
46 Dhantola Pt-II 282516 Rongjuli 97.1 Hectares 121
47 Garuchatka Pt-II 282517 Rongjuli 240.38 Hectares 394
48 Bijoypur Bangaon 282518 Rongjuli 109.12 Hectares 708
49 Ambari Pt-III 282519 Rongjuli 455.04 Hectares 6006 783123
50 Chaplai Pt-II 282520 Rongjuli 219.04 Hectares 2397
51 Khutabari Pt-I 282521 Rongjuli 315.87 Hectares 2275
52 Khutabari Pt-V 282522 Rongjuli 113.44 Hectares 444
53 Talipara Kouridubi 282523 Rongjuli 61.29 Hectares 624
54 Bardal Pt-I 282524 Rongjuli 236.81 Hectares 969
55 Khutabari Pt-II 282525 Rongjuli 118.09 Hectares 962
56 Khutabari Pt-III 282526 Rongjuli 131.5 Hectares 787
57 Chaplai Pt-I 282527 Rongjuli 148.4 Hectares 1133
58 Ambari Pt-IV 282528 Rongjuli 352.97 Hectares 1518 783123
59 Ambari Pt-II 282529 Rongjuli 278.16 Hectares 791 783123
60 Ambari Pt-I 282530 Rongjuli 215.16 Hectares 615 783123
61 Dhontola Pt-I 282531 Rongjuli 291.91 Hectares 1323
62 Kathalmuri Palsa 282532 Rongjuli 251.54 Hectares 650
63 Palsa 282533 Rongjuli 43.4 Hectares 148
64 Kathalmuri 282534 Rongjuli 46.42 Hectares 136
65 Patpara Pt-I 282535 Rongjuli 504.3 Hectares 1452 783130
66 Gohaiburi 282536 Rongjuli 41.18 Hectares 191
67 Khamar 282537 Rongjuli 45.06 Hectares 92
68 Fakirpara 282538 Rongjuli 92.13 Hectares 259
69 Bakrapara Pt-II 282539 Rongjuli 164.02 Hectares 529
70 Panditpara 282540 Rongjuli 80.32 Hectares 116
71 Sarapara Pt-II 282541 Rongjuli 237.85 Hectares 735
72 Mahajanpara 282542 Rongjuli 75.48 Hectares 759
73 Baniapara 282543 Rongjuli 61.43 Hectares 441
74 Dosimapara 282544 Rongjuli 96.89 Hectares 486
75 Sardarpara 282545 Rongjuli 183.68 Hectares 776
76 Badiarpara 282546 Rongjuli 125.5 Hectares 857
77 Jaldhapara 282547 Rongjuli 105.37 Hectares 478
78 Adopara 282548 Rongjuli 133.29 Hectares 462
79 Rowmari Pt-I 282549 Rongjuli 117.91 Hectares 507
80 Hadipara Bhamra Pathar 282550 Rongjuli 144.55 Hectares 744
81 Sildubipara Pt-I 282551 Rongjuli 314.62 Hectares 926
82 Sildubipara Pt-II 282552 Rongjuli 414.02 Hectares 1520
83 Mandang Pt-II 282553 Rongjuli 635.8 Hectares 1700
84 Madang Pt-III 282554 Rongjuli 494.82 Hectares 1222
85 Sarapara Rangjuli Saljhar 282555 Rongjuli 389.89 Hectares 363
86 Sarapara Pt-I 282556 Rongjuli 29.59 Hectares 113
87 Patpara Pt-II 282557 Rongjuli 235.69 Hectares 478 783130
88 Madang Pt-I 282558 Rongjuli 98.14 Hectares 501
89 Patpara Pt-III 282559 Rongjuli 131.47 Hectares 268 783130
90 Aoimari 282560 Rongjuli 58.52 Hectares 352
91 Gathiapara 282561 Rongjuli 394.51 Hectares 1692
92 Khekapara 282562 Rongjuli 308.24 Hectares 1024
93 Maslam Pt-II 282563 Rongjuli 156.9 Hectares 723
94 Piplibari 282564 Rongjuli 352.76 Hectares 942
95 Khutabari Pt-IV 282565 Rongjuli 109.1 Hectares 502
96 Bardal Pt-II 282566 Rongjuli 48.39 Hectares 302
97 Ghilabari 282567 Rongjuli 122.38 Hectares 643
98 Jogipara Pt-I 282568 Rongjuli 340.1 Hectares 1615
99 Jogipara Pt-II 282569 Rongjuli 286.42 Hectares 654
100 Jogipara Pt-III 282570 Rongjuli 150.35 Hectares 605
101 Dighali Pt-II 282571 Rongjuli 202.13 Hectares 986 783123
102 Dighali Pt-III 282572 Rongjuli 224.02 Hectares 1021 783123
103 Maslam Pt-I 282573 Rongjuli 254.11 Hectares 708
104 Kathakuthi Pt-II 282574 Rongjuli 356.71 Hectares 507
105 Saljhar Block 282575 Rongjuli 424.3 Hectares 496
106 Kathakathi Pt-VII 282576 Rongjuli 895.38 Hectares 806
107 Kathakuthi Pt-I 282577 Rongjuli 213.81 Hectares 2309
108 Dighali Pt-I 282578 Rongjuli 232.93 Hectares 822 783123
109 Dhupdhara Pt-III 282579 Rongjuli 53.51 Hectares 227 783123
110 Kathakuthi Pt-III 282580 Rongjuli 267.86 Hectares 875
111 Kathakuthi Pt-IV 282581 Rongjuli 202.67 Hectares 264
112 Kathakuthi Pt-V 282582 Rongjuli 160.11 Hectares 622
113 Kathakuthi Pt-VI 282583 Rongjuli 277.72 Hectares 494
114 Ambuk Pt-I 282584 Rongjuli 326.15 Hectares 1154 783123
115 Ambuk Pt-II 282585 Rongjuli 141.72 Hectares 406 783123
116 Shyama Gaon Pt-II 282586 Rongjuli 112.05 Hectares 468
117 Shyama Gaon Pt-I 282587 Rongjuli 144.58 Hectares 259
118 Dumapara Pt-I 282588 Rongjuli 172.98 Hectares 397
119 Bardamal Athiabari 282589 Rongjuli 977.44 Hectares 2244
120 Athiabari 282590 Rongjuli 206.41 Hectares 490 783130
121 Chekowari Pt-III 282591 Rongjuli 49.9 Hectares 759 783123
122 Chekowari Pt-I 282592 Rongjuli 438.47 Hectares 553 783123
123 Dumapara Pt-II 282593 Rongjuli 264.5 Hectares 741
124 Ambuk Pt-III 282594 Rongjuli 339.46 Hectares 827 783123
125 Chekowari Pt-II 282595 Rongjuli 456.69 Hectares 1154 783123
126 Dhupdhara Pt-I 282596 Rongjuli 60.83 Hectares 1591 783123
127 Dhupdhara Pt-II 282597 Rongjuli 180.93 Hectares 3698 783123

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