
Tihu (Part)

Tihu (Part) block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Tihu (Part)
Block Code : 196
District : Nalbari
State : Assam

Gram Panchayat list in Nalbari District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Tihu (Part)

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Borjhar 303625 Tihu (Part) 424.19 Hectares 3508
2 Dipta 303626 Tihu (Part) 366.45 Hectares 4470
3 Suradi 303627 Tihu (Part) 503.41 Hectares 3550 781346
4 Dahkaunia (Dahakaria) 303628 Tihu (Part) 293.18 Hectares 1221 781346
5 Akhara 303629 Tihu (Part) 179.06 Hectares 893 781340
6 Niz Namati 303630 Tihu (Part) 630.17 Hectares 4784 781355
7 Ranakuchi 303631 Tihu (Part) 359.39 Hectares 1669 781371
8 Bhurkuchi 303632 Tihu (Part) 188.17 Hectares 1070 781355
9 Bamunbari 303633 Tihu (Part) 385.78 Hectares 1653
10 Daloigaon 303634 Tihu (Part) 163.3 Hectares 1042 781355
11 No.1.Nathkuchi 303635 Tihu (Part) 371 Hectares 2986 781355
12 No.2.Nathkuchi 303636 Tihu (Part) 393 Hectares 1651 781355
13 Nakhara (Nakhra) 303637 Tihu (Part) 167.34 Hectares 2431 781371
14 Barbari 303638 Tihu (Part) 94.54 Hectares 1595 789137
15 Narnartari 303639 Tihu (Part) 147.94 Hectares 1854
16 Parmankhowa 303640 Tihu (Part) 72.46 Hectares 559 781371
17 Niz Khana (Niz Khang) 303641 Tihu (Part) 141.98 Hectares 1004 781371
18 Bhathuakhana(Bhatuakhana) 303642 Tihu (Part) 214.18 Hectares 993
19 Jalkhana 303643 Tihu (Part) 574.61 Hectares 5313 781378
20 Saktipara 303644 Tihu (Part) 111.29 Hectares 757 781374
21 Khudra Makhibaha 303645 Tihu (Part) 430.05 Hectares 5052 781374
22 Bar Makhibaha(Barmakueibna) 303646 Tihu (Part) 294.01 Hectares 2021 781374
23 Piplibari (Pipalibari) 303647 Tihu (Part) 249.74 Hectares 1171
24 Mathurapur 303648 Tihu (Part) 328.04 Hectares 3022 781372
25 Borgaon 303649 Tihu (Part) 158.72 Hectares 772
26 Ratanpur 303650 Tihu (Part) 353.08 Hectares 1968
27 Goboradol 303651 Tihu (Part) 492.14 Hectares 2497 781370
28 Bakuajari 303652 Tihu (Part) 233.97 Hectares 1339 781340
29 Barbhagjari 303653 Tihu (Part) 263.58 Hectares 733 781340
30 Sathikuchi 303654 Tihu (Part) 533.69 Hectares 2314 781370
31 Bali 303655 Tihu (Part) 624.18 Hectares 3947 781378
32 Haribhanga 303656 Tihu (Part) 631 Hectares 5134 781378
33 Bhojkuchi 303657 Tihu (Part) 883.06 Hectares 3726 781378
34 Thaikarakuchi 304464 Tihu (Part) 390.2 Hectares 2006 781355

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