Laikera block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Laikera |
Block Code | : | 16 |
District | : | Jharsuguda |
State | : | Odisha |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Banki | 381153 | Laikera | 395 Hectares | 527 | 768221 |
2 | Baiganbud | 381154 | Laikera | 277 Hectares | 524 | 768221 |
3 | Babuchipidihi | 381155 | Laikera | 1271 Hectares | 1759 | 768221 |
4 | Karla | 381156 | Laikera | 240 Hectares | 401 | 768221 |
5 | Jammal | 381157 | Laikera | 462 Hectares | 1192 | 768221 |
6 | Kukerama | 381158 | Laikera | 401 Hectares | 507 | 768221 |
7 | Ganjudihi | 381159 | Laikera | 458 Hectares | 722 | 768221 |
8 | Tapgunja | 381160 | Laikera | 316 Hectares | 837 | 768221 |
9 | Nuagaon | 381161 | Laikera | 86 Hectares | 124 | 768221 |
10 | Kankkumra | 381162 | Laikera | 481 Hectares | 812 | 768221 |
11 | Baddhuriam | 381163 | Laikera | 800 Hectares | 1766 | 768221 |
12 | Tileimal | 381164 | Laikera | 514 Hectares | 819 | 768221 |
13 | Kadodarha | 381165 | Laikera | 247 Hectares | 590 | 768221 |
14 | Nandamunda | 381166 | Laikera | 270 Hectares | 326 | 768228 |
15 | Pakelpada | 381167 | Laikera | 284 Hectares | 2011 | 768221 |
16 | Karmapada | 381168 | Laikera | 41 Hectares | 198 | 768221 |
17 | Khajurkhaman | 381169 | Laikera | 275 Hectares | 252 | 768221 |
18 | Talmunda | 381170 | Laikera | 1246 Hectares | 2325 | 768221 |
19 | Ramchipidihi | 381171 | Laikera | 448 Hectares | 911 | 768215 |
20 | Routbahal | 381172 | Laikera | 130 Hectares | 501 | 768221 |
21 | Naikbandhpali | 381173 | Laikera | 346 Hectares | 548 | 768215 |
22 | Dudukabahal | 381174 | Laikera | 349 Hectares | 540 | 768221 |
23 | Pankelkhol | 381194 | Laikera | 391 Hectares | 622 | 768221 |
24 | Kuanrmal | 381195 | Laikera | 232 Hectares | 533 | 768221 |
25 | Sarangloi | 381196 | Laikera | 903 Hectares | 2253 | 768215 |
26 | Sahaspur | 381197 | Laikera | 554 Hectares | 2314 | 768215 |
27 | Chandnimal | 381198 | Laikera | 1178 Hectares | 521 | 768215 |
28 | Barhamusa | 381199 | Laikera | 431 Hectares | 432 | 768215 |
29 | Sudung | 381200 | Laikera | 1188 Hectares | 1706 | 768215 |
30 | Khontamal | 381201 | Laikera | 1033 Hectares | 1732 | 768215 |
31 | Gouribud | 381202 | Laikera | 40 Hectares | 29 | 768213 |
32 | Majurdima | 381203 | Laikera | 533 Hectares | 973 | 768215 |
33 | Rengalbeda | 381204 | Laikera | 563 Hectares | 963 | 768215 |
34 | Laikera | 381222 | Laikera | 562 Hectares | 2412 | 768215 |
35 | Panpali | 381223 | Laikera | 112 Hectares | 375 | 768215 |
36 | Aintapali | 381224 | Laikera | 663 Hectares | 1655 | 768215 |
37 | Kulemura | 381225 | Laikera | 1305 Hectares | 2764 | 768213 |
38 | Aitapada | 381226 | Laikera | 219 Hectares | 330 | 768215 |
39 | Niktimal | 381227 | Laikera | 2144 Hectares | 3500 | 768213 |
40 | Sandhuriam | 381228 | Laikera | 357 Hectares | 751 | 768213 |
41 | Mundrajore | 381229 | Laikera | 902 Hectares | 2030 | 768213 |
42 | Kankmal | 381230 | Laikera | 430 Hectares | 646 | 768213 |
43 | Udiapali | 381231 | Laikera | 649 Hectares | 2079 | 768213 |
44 | Muradipali | 381232 | Laikera | 520 Hectares | 779 | 768213 |
45 | Bhatlaida | 381235 | Laikera | 1352 Hectares | 2401 | 768213 |
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