Koraput block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Koraput |
Block Code | : | 302 |
District | : | Koraput |
State | : | Odisha |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Dakara | 428890 | Koraput | 906 Hectares | 1240 | 764021 |
2 | Bagara | 428891 | Koraput | 210 Hectares | 471 | 764021 |
3 | Bandakatra | 428892 | Koraput | 117 Hectares | 160 | 764021 |
4 | Litiguda | 428894 | Koraput | 399 Hectares | 438 | 764021 |
5 | Doliamba | 428913 | Koraput | 503 Hectares | 381 | 764021 |
6 | Kerengaguda | 428914 | Koraput | 162 Hectares | 229 | 764021 |
7 | Chentiguda | 428915 | Koraput | 58 Hectares | 44 | 764021 |
8 | Thatpadar | 428916 | Koraput | 155 Hectares | 114 | 764021 |
9 | Panasput | 428917 | Koraput | 372 Hectares | 353 | 764021 |
10 | Kendar | 428918 | Koraput | 766 Hectares | 1027 | 764021 |
11 | Jerati | 428919 | Koraput | 877 Hectares | 754 | 764021 |
12 | Mangara | 428920 | Koraput | 846 Hectares | 1485 | 764021 |
13 | Belaput | 428921 | Koraput | 294 Hectares | 295 | 764020 |
14 | Karanjiguda | 428922 | Koraput | 101 Hectares | 136 | 764020 |
15 | Mahadeiput | 428923 | Koraput | 219 Hectares | 1117 | 764021 |
16 | Putpandi | 428924 | Koraput | 119 Hectares | 123 | 764021 |
17 | Ekadeli | 428925 | Koraput | 172 Hectares | 197 | 764021 |
18 | Daleiput | 428926 | Koraput | 172 Hectares | 335 | 764021 |
19 | Rengaguda | 428927 | Koraput | 136 Hectares | 82 | 764021 |
20 | Hiridiput | 428928 | Koraput | 109 Hectares | 281 | 764020 |
21 | Tola | 428952 | Koraput | 1592 Hectares | 2122 | 764021 |
22 | Dangari | 428953 | Koraput | 283 Hectares | 437 | 764021 |
23 | Rundiamba | 428954 | Koraput | 74 Hectares | 154 | 764021 |
24 | Bagaraguda | 428955 | Koraput | 719 Hectares | 221 | 764021 |
25 | Mastiput | 428956 | Koraput | 348 Hectares | 1228 | 764020 |
26 | Basuput | 428957 | Koraput | 234 Hectares | 299 | 764020 |
27 | Desanaikguda | 428958 | Koraput | 110 Hectares | 54 | 764020 |
28 | Ekataguda | 428959 | Koraput | 67 Hectares | 84 | 764021 |
29 | Machhara-II | 428960 | Koraput | 411 Hectares | 230 | 764021 |
30 | Mandaguda | 428961 | Koraput | 126 Hectares | 380 | 764021 |
31 | Badamput | 428962 | Koraput | 180 Hectares | 201 | 764021 |
32 | Jhadiguda | 428963 | Koraput | 598 Hectares | 1370 | 764021 |
33 | Gunjuriguda | 428964 | Koraput | 234 Hectares | 223 | 764021 |
34 | Mendhaguda | 428965 | Koraput | 684 Hectares | 559 | 764021 |
35 | Padeiguda | 428966 | Koraput | 343 Hectares | 342 | 764011 |
36 | Bogeipadar | 428967 | Koraput | 627 Hectares | 662 | 764011 |
37 | Deoghati | 428968 | Koraput | 331 Hectares | 1498 | 764011 |
38 | Lauriguda | 428969 | Koraput | 136 Hectares | 168 | 764011 |
39 | Dhaudapadar | 428970 | Koraput | 273 Hectares | 640 | 764011 |
40 | Kerenga | 428971 | Koraput | 2087 Hectares | 5265 | 764011 |
41 | Khaparaput | 428972 | Koraput | 116 Hectares | 103 | 764021 |
42 | Machhara-I | 428973 | Koraput | 851 Hectares | 1301 | 764021 |
43 | Chhapar | 428974 | Koraput | 240 Hectares | 450 | 764021 |
44 | Umuri | 428975 | Koraput | 739 Hectares | 775 | 764021 |
45 | Khilaput | 428976 | Koraput | 96 Hectares | 170 | 764021 |
46 | Putkeranga | 428977 | Koraput | 213 Hectares | 178 | 764020 |
47 | Puki | 428978 | Koraput | 1711 Hectares | 1287 | 764011 |
48 | Kechala | 428979 | Koraput | 1115 Hectares | 490 | 764021 |
49 | Semala | 428980 | Koraput | 1021 Hectares | 531 | 764021 |
50 | Pandi | 428981 | Koraput | 1326 Hectares | 323 | 764021 |
51 | Lankaput | 428982 | Koraput | 216 Hectares | 356 | 764021 |
52 | Dumuriguda | 428983 | Koraput | 111 Hectares | 72 | 764021 |
53 | Chandalguda | 428984 | Koraput | 145 Hectares | 18 | 764021 |
54 | Sirishi | 428985 | Koraput | 411 Hectares | 188 | 764021 |
55 | Paidaput | 428986 | Koraput | 1451 Hectares | 682 | 764021 |
56 | Suku | 428987 | Koraput | 911 Hectares | 633 | 764021 |
57 | Khalap | 428988 | Koraput | 552 Hectares | 260 | 764021 |
58 | Thatguda | 428989 | Koraput | 107 Hectares | 43 | 764021 |
59 | Kalchur | 428990 | Koraput | 595 Hectares | 205 | 764021 |
60 | Bhoiguda | 428991 | Koraput | 317 Hectares | 183 | 764021 |
61 | Tiadiput | 428992 | Koraput | 808 Hectares | 620 | 764021 |
62 | Haladiput | 428993 | Koraput | 138 Hectares | 132 | 764021 |
63 | Parajamundar | 428994 | Koraput | 610 Hectares | 510 | 764021 |
64 | Pitei | 428995 | Koraput | 1101 Hectares | 756 | 764021 |
65 | Mundar | 428996 | Koraput | 156 Hectares | 275 | 764021 |
66 | Haridaput | 428997 | Koraput | 263 Hectares | 236 | 764021 |
67 | Manbar | 428998 | Koraput | 719 Hectares | 1764 | 764021 |
68 | Limika | 428999 | Koraput | 1132 Hectares | 1342 | 764021 |
69 | Sapasil | 429000 | Koraput | 558 Hectares | 1205 | 764021 |
70 | Padmapur | 429001 | Koraput | 392 Hectares | 755 | 764021 |
71 | Nighamaniguda | 429002 | Koraput | 107 Hectares | 488 | 764021 |
72 | Duruguda | 429003 | Koraput | 71 Hectares | 944 | 764021 |
73 | Machhaput | 429004 | Koraput | 189 Hectares | 254 | 764021 |
74 | Gopalput | 429005 | Koraput | 438 Hectares | 612 | 764021 |
75 | Ambagan | 429982 | Koraput | 915 Hectares | 721 | 763008 |
76 | Ariputraghati | 429983 | Koraput | 437 Hectares | 1250 | 763008 |
77 | Karadiguda | 429984 | Koraput | 202 Hectares | 319 | 763008 |
78 | Bhejaput | 429985 | Koraput | 1270 Hectares | 966 | 763008 |
79 | Khagodora | 429986 | Koraput | 75 Hectares | 347 | 764036 |
80 | Keragam | 429987 | Koraput | 74 Hectares | 324 | 764036 |
81 | Dumuripadar | 429988 | Koraput | 361 Hectares | 950 | 764036 |
82 | Lachuani | 429989 | Koraput | 348 Hectares | 520 | 763008 |
83 | Kandhaputraghati | 429990 | Koraput | 258 Hectares | 298 | 763008 |
84 | Amalabadi | 429991 | Koraput | 101 Hectares | 3907 | 763008 |
85 | Marichamala | 429992 | Koraput | 817 Hectares | 1380 | 763008 |
86 | Cholar | 429993 | Koraput | 223 Hectares | 1083 | 764036 |
87 | Pendajam | 429996 | Koraput | 25 Hectares | 304 | 764036 |
88 | Hatimunda | 429998 | Koraput | 259 Hectares | 124 | 764036 |
89 | Janjanaguda | 429999 | Koraput | 17 Hectares | 123 | 764036 |
90 | Palijodipodar | 430000 | Koraput | 68 Hectares | 500 | 764036 |
91 | Matiagumandi | 430001 | Koraput | 139 Hectares | 845 | 764036 |
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