Lamtaput block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.
Block | Details | |
Name | : | Lamtaput |
Block Code | : | 306 |
District | : | Koraput |
State | : | Odisha |
# | Panchayat | Panchayat Code | Block | District | State |
# | Village | Village Code | Block Name | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Nakulapadar | 429498 | Lamtaput | 151 Hectares | 25 | 764003 |
2 | Chandua | 429499 | Lamtaput | 321 Hectares | 312 | 764003 |
3 | Chupa | 429500 | Lamtaput | 235 Hectares | 298 | 764003 |
4 | Mardingpada | 429501 | Lamtaput | 89 Hectares | 61 | 764003 |
5 | Limaput | 429502 | Lamtaput | 192 Hectares | 113 | 764003 |
6 | Kadrimaliput | 429503 | Lamtaput | 69 Hectares | 86 | 764003 |
7 | Kodri | 429504 | Lamtaput | 168 Hectares | 195 | 764003 |
8 | Silpada | 429505 | Lamtaput | 316 Hectares | 385 | 764003 |
9 | Damput | 429506 | Lamtaput | 13 Hectares | - | |
10 | Podapadar | 429507 | Lamtaput | 96 Hectares | 16 | 764081 |
11 | Kakalpada | 429508 | Lamtaput | 212 Hectares | 520 | 764081 |
12 | Parting | 429509 | Lamtaput | 154 Hectares | 160 | 764081 |
13 | Majhaput | 429510 | Lamtaput | 93 Hectares | 116 | 764081 |
14 | Tukum | 429511 | Lamtaput | 239 Hectares | 365 | 764081 |
15 | Sirgamput | 429512 | Lamtaput | 53 Hectares | - | |
16 | Jalahanjar | 429513 | Lamtaput | 558 Hectares | 631 | 764081 |
17 | Chapadi | 429514 | Lamtaput | 229 Hectares | 190 | 764081 |
18 | Gelaguda | 429515 | Lamtaput | 71 Hectares | 168 | 764081 |
19 | Dangarpada | 429516 | Lamtaput | 36 Hectares | - | |
20 | Chutiapada | 429517 | Lamtaput | 90 Hectares | 67 | 764081 |
21 | Dandabad | 429518 | Lamtaput | 58 Hectares | 48 | 764081 |
22 | Kiang | 429519 | Lamtaput | 52 Hectares | - | |
23 | Adarikhal | 429520 | Lamtaput | 169 Hectares | 81 | 764081 |
24 | Gondhiguda | 429521 | Lamtaput | 73 Hectares | 66 | 764081 |
25 | Paladaput | 429522 | Lamtaput | 139 Hectares | 190 | 764081 |
26 | Mukhiput | 429523 | Lamtaput | 75 Hectares | 44 | 764081 |
27 | Komarguda | 429524 | Lamtaput | 103 Hectares | 125 | 764081 |
28 | Petpada | 429525 | Lamtaput | 105 Hectares | 89 | 764081 |
29 | Pipalaput | 429526 | Lamtaput | 257 Hectares | 299 | 764081 |
30 | Gatanput | 429527 | Lamtaput | 114 Hectares | 36 | 764081 |
31 | Kana | 429528 | Lamtaput | 460 Hectares | 432 | 764081 |
32 | Lamataput | 429529 | Lamtaput | 292 Hectares | 900 | 764081 |
33 | kadam | 429530 | Lamtaput | 449 Hectares | 405 | 764081 |
34 | Semiliguda | 429531 | Lamtaput | 83 Hectares | 98 | 764081 |
35 | Sindhiput | 429532 | Lamtaput | 120 Hectares | 101 | 764081 |
36 | Barangaguda | 429533 | Lamtaput | 129 Hectares | 22 | 764081 |
37 | Sankai | 429534 | Lamtaput | 521 Hectares | 437 | 764081 |
38 | Kantigada | 429535 | Lamtaput | 393 Hectares | 424 | 764081 |
39 | Doliguda | 429536 | Lamtaput | 133 Hectares | 300 | 764081 |
40 | Brahmaniput | 429537 | Lamtaput | 148 Hectares | 1372 | 764081 |
41 | Malenga | 429538 | Lamtaput | 291 Hectares | 359 | 764081 |
42 | Kangarapada | 429539 | Lamtaput | 493 Hectares | 584 | 764081 |
43 | Deulapada | 429540 | Lamtaput | 297 Hectares | 413 | 764081 |
44 | Alangapada | 429541 | Lamtaput | 285 Hectares | 194 | 764081 |
45 | Kantipoda | 429542 | Lamtaput | 105 Hectares | 101 | 764040 |
46 | Surungeipada | 429543 | Lamtaput | 15 Hectares | 95 | 764081 |
47 | Muliaput | 429544 | Lamtaput | 57 Hectares | 214 | 764081 |
48 | Kalapada | 429545 | Lamtaput | 263 Hectares | 222 | 764040 |
49 | Barlipada | 429546 | Lamtaput | 327 Hectares | 302 | 764040 |
50 | Bentalbiri | 429547 | Lamtaput | 298 Hectares | 213 | 764040 |
51 | Kunjamba | 429548 | Lamtaput | 322 Hectares | 259 | 764040 |
52 | Mantriput | 429549 | Lamtaput | 972 Hectares | 653 | 764040 |
53 | Mundaput | 429550 | Lamtaput | 244 Hectares | 191 | 764040 |
54 | Khialput | 429551 | Lamtaput | - | 66 | 764040 |
55 | Sikral | 429552 | Lamtaput | 541 Hectares | 478 | 764040 |
56 | Dokhripoda | 429553 | Lamtaput | 356 Hectares | 154 | 764040 |
57 | Jayantagiri | 429554 | Lamtaput | 836 Hectares | 598 | 764040 |
58 | Suramal | 429555 | Lamtaput | 272 Hectares | 175 | 764040 |
59 | Ganel | 429556 | Lamtaput | 254 Hectares | 210 | 764040 |
60 | Badigada | 429557 | Lamtaput | 1514 Hectares | 2041 | 764040 |
61 | Dengambo | 429558 | Lamtaput | 85 Hectares | - | |
62 | Guthalpada | 429559 | Lamtaput | 280 Hectares | 165 | 764042 |
63 | Apuduguda | 429560 | Lamtaput | 165 Hectares | - | |
64 | Ridal | 429561 | Lamtaput | 664 Hectares | 335 | 764042 |
65 | Hanumal | 429562 | Lamtaput | 1074 Hectares | 625 | 764042 |
66 | Kodaput | 429563 | Lamtaput | 71 Hectares | 100 | 764042 |
67 | AnakadeliTown | 429564 | Lamtaput | 207 Hectares | 865 | 764042 |
68 | Jalaput Town | 429565 | Lamtaput | 68 Hectares | 1595 | 764041 |
69 | Ankadelli | 429566 | Lamtaput | 625 Hectares | 1736 | 764042 |
70 | Machkundjalabhandar | 429567 | Lamtaput | 806 Hectares | - | |
71 | Burudel | 429568 | Lamtaput | 225 Hectares | 307 | 764040 |
72 | Kharasapada | 429569 | Lamtaput | 65 Hectares | 96 | 764040 |
73 | Chikeniput | 429570 | Lamtaput | 122 Hectares | 448 | 764040 |
74 | Machkundtown | 429571 | Lamtaput | 285 Hectares | 1061 | 764040 |
75 | Ambapada | 429572 | Lamtaput | 361 Hectares | 200 | 764040 |
76 | Uppapoda | 429573 | Lamtaput | 331 Hectares | 456 | 764040 |
77 | Guneipoda | 429574 | Lamtaput | 1117 Hectares | 1875 | 764040 |
78 | Litiput | 429575 | Lamtaput | 85 Hectares | 202 | 764040 |
79 | Boiragiput | 429576 | Lamtaput | 45 Hectares | - | |
80 | Poibeda | 429577 | Lamtaput | 519 Hectares | 389 | 764040 |
81 | Sargiguda | 429578 | Lamtaput | 41 Hectares | 56 | 764081 |
82 | Dudipadar | 429579 | Lamtaput | 123 Hectares | 111 | 764081 |
83 | Doragoda | 429580 | Lamtaput | 101 Hectares | 126 | 764081 |
84 | Potenda | 429581 | Lamtaput | 289 Hectares | 266 | 764081 |
85 | Audipoda | 429582 | Lamtaput | 533 Hectares | 548 | 764081 |
86 | Changudipada | 429583 | Lamtaput | 219 Hectares | 171 | 764081 |
87 | Kamel | 429584 | Lamtaput | 324 Hectares | 253 | 764081 |
88 | Tusuba | 429585 | Lamtaput | 355 Hectares | 559 | 764081 |
89 | Gomalput | 429586 | Lamtaput | 122 Hectares | 135 | 764081 |
90 | Godiput | 429587 | Lamtaput | 149 Hectares | 115 | 764081 |
91 | Khilaput | 429588 | Lamtaput | 60 Hectares | 108 | 764081 |
92 | Mesingput | 429589 | Lamtaput | 210 Hectares | 70 | 764081 |
93 | Bodapoda | 429590 | Lamtaput | 374 Hectares | 202 | 764081 |
94 | Gopalput | 429591 | Lamtaput | 137 Hectares | 83 | 764081 |
95 | Lugumu | 429592 | Lamtaput | 622 Hectares | 569 | 764041 |
96 | Tama | 429593 | Lamtaput | 272 Hectares | 231 | 764041 |
97 | Sailpoda | 429594 | Lamtaput | 581 Hectares | 605 | 764040 |
98 | Bondhapoda | 429595 | Lamtaput | 608 Hectares | 465 | 764040 |
99 | Godihanjar | 429596 | Lamtaput | 1199 Hectares | 1060 | 764040 |
100 | Sana Kichaba | 429597 | Lamtaput | 407 Hectares | 177 | 764040 |
101 | Badakichaba | 429598 | Lamtaput | 452 Hectares | 250 | 764040 |
102 | Bangurupoda | 429599 | Lamtaput | 407 Hectares | 283 | 764040 |
103 | Palam | 429604 | Lamtaput | 613 Hectares | 483 | 764041 |
104 | Anungu (Enugu) | 429605 | Lamtaput | 437 Hectares | 418 | 764040 |
105 | Marada | 429606 | Lamtaput | 588 Hectares | 510 | 764041 |
106 | Balel | 429607 | Lamtaput | 643 Hectares | 695 | 764041 |
107 | Chiliba | 429608 | Lamtaput | 276 Hectares | 271 | 764041 |
108 | Orabiri | 429609 | Lamtaput | 166 Hectares | 174 | 764041 |
109 | Barangaput | 429610 | Lamtaput | 242 Hectares | 172 | 764081 |
110 | Bendiput | 429611 | Lamtaput | 29 Hectares | - | |
111 | Mandeiput | 429612 | Lamtaput | 102 Hectares | 159 | 764081 |
112 | Kodaput | 429613 | Lamtaput | 161 Hectares | 57 | 764081 |
113 | Kanchana | 429614 | Lamtaput | 396 Hectares | 602 | 764081 |
114 | Sahuput | 429615 | Lamtaput | 195 Hectares | 102 | 764081 |
115 | Badasagar | 429619 | Lamtaput | 484 Hectares | 935 | 764081 |
116 | Sanasagar | 429620 | Lamtaput | 437 Hectares | 618 | 764081 |
117 | Jadiaput | 429621 | Lamtaput | 137 Hectares | 141 | 764081 |
118 | Bandraguda | 429732 | Lamtaput | 48 Hectares | 182 | 764003 |
119 | Peta | 429733 | Lamtaput | 758 Hectares | 691 | 764003 |
120 | Talaput | 429734 | Lamtaput | 524 Hectares | 122 | 764003 |
121 | Bhitarchonda | 429735 | Lamtaput | 459 Hectares | 151 | 764003 |
122 | Chenda (Chhenda) | 429736 | Lamtaput | 612 Hectares | 302 | 764003 |
123 | Sindhiput | 429737 | Lamtaput | 189 Hectares | - | |
124 | Malipeta | 429738 | Lamtaput | 543 Hectares | 347 | 764003 |
125 | Hatapeta | 429739 | Lamtaput | 200 Hectares | 480 | 764003 |
126 | Ranitota | 429740 | Lamtaput | 245 Hectares | 384 | 764003 |
127 | Sukuriguda | 429741 | Lamtaput | 197 Hectares | 201 | 764036 |
128 | Litiput | 429742 | Lamtaput | 337 Hectares | 278 | 764036 |
129 | Kapuguda | 429743 | Lamtaput | 208 Hectares | 149 | 764036 |
130 | Murja | 429744 | Lamtaput | 356 Hectares | 251 | 764003 |
131 | Chatara | 429745 | Lamtaput | 136 Hectares | 137 | 764036 |
132 | Dhadi | 429746 | Lamtaput | 738 Hectares | 350 | 764003 |
133 | Dabuguda | 429747 | Lamtaput | 171 Hectares | 198 | 764003 |
134 | Charaguda | 429748 | Lamtaput | 183 Hectares | 141 | 764003 |
135 | Teraguda | 429749 | Lamtaput | 101 Hectares | 101 | 764036 |
136 | Mundagad | 429750 | Lamtaput | 920 Hectares | 430 | 764081 |
137 | Khamri | 429751 | Lamtaput | 386 Hectares | 103 | 764003 |
138 | Kinchaiput | 429752 | Lamtaput | 119 Hectares | - | |
139 | Patraput | 429753 | Lamtaput | 637 Hectares | 326 | 764003 |
140 | Maliput | 429754 | Lamtaput | 102 Hectares | 81 | 764003 |
141 | Lenjisuku | 429755 | Lamtaput | 359 Hectares | 376 | 764037 |
142 | Hatasuku | 429756 | Lamtaput | 758 Hectares | 657 | 764037 |
143 | Hariamunda | 429757 | Lamtaput | 79 Hectares | 285 | 764037 |
144 | Hingeiput | 429758 | Lamtaput | 203 Hectares | 205 | 764037 |
145 | Balia | 429759 | Lamtaput | 372 Hectares | 191 | 764037 |
146 | Paliba | 429760 | Lamtaput | 783 Hectares | 677 | 764037 |
147 | Bairagiput | 429761 | Lamtaput | 72 Hectares | - | |
148 | Gondhonahandalput | 429762 | Lamtaput | 206 Hectares | - | |
149 | Kumargandhana | 429763 | Lamtaput | 450 Hectares | 427 | 764037 |
150 | Malakhurubi | 429764 | Lamtaput | 281 Hectares | 181 | 764037 |
151 | Parajakhudubi | 429765 | Lamtaput | 341 Hectares | 737 | 764037 |
152 | Durla | 429766 | Lamtaput | 175 Hectares | 294 | 764081 |
153 | Pangiput | 429767 | Lamtaput | 155 Hectares | - | |
154 | Gatanput | 429768 | Lamtaput | 227 Hectares | 105 | 764081 |
155 | Tikarapara | 429769 | Lamtaput | 728 Hectares | 648 | 764081 |
156 | Tiakanta | 429770 | Lamtaput | 187 Hectares | 200 | 764081 |
157 | Dasaput | 429771 | Lamtaput | 312 Hectares | 181 | 764037 |
158 | Kenduput | 429772 | Lamtaput | 149 Hectares | 2 | 764037 |
159 | Kadamagura | 429773 | Lamtaput | 108 Hectares | 319 | 764037 |
160 | Kanta | 429774 | Lamtaput | 297 Hectares | 182 | 764037 |
161 | Mediput | 429775 | Lamtaput | 410 Hectares | 1018 | 764037 |
162 | Dasagaudput | 429776 | Lamtaput | 90 Hectares | 211 | 764043 |
163 | Umbel | 429777 | Lamtaput | 734 Hectares | 1251 | 764037 |
164 | Dumuriput | 429778 | Lamtaput | 253 Hectares | 251 | 764037 |
165 | Tentulipara | 429779 | Lamtaput | 407 Hectares | 507 | 764037 |
166 | Bankaiput | 429780 | Lamtaput | 724 Hectares | 348 | 764037 |
167 | Hingeiput | 429795 | Lamtaput | 436 Hectares | 284 | 764037 |
168 | Maliput | 429796 | Lamtaput | 182 Hectares | 335 | 764037 |
169 | Katakar | 429797 | Lamtaput | 179 Hectares | 87 | 764037 |
170 | Deogondhana | 429798 | Lamtaput | 221 Hectares | 962 | 764037 |
171 | Bhimariput | 429799 | Lamtaput | 250 Hectares | 234 | 764037 |
172 | Chandalput | 429800 | Lamtaput | 21 Hectares | - | |
173 | Banamaliput | 429801 | Lamtaput | 58 Hectares | 527 | 764037 |
174 | Panjel | 429802 | Lamtaput | 185 Hectares | 305 | 764081 |
175 | Hanjarhandalput | 429803 | Lamtaput | 116 Hectares | 16 | 764081 |
176 | Debatahanjar | 429804 | Lamtaput | 646 Hectares | 662 | 764040 |
177 | Arna | 429805 | Lamtaput | 809 Hectares | 707 | 764081 |
178 | Mandiaguda | 429806 | Lamtaput | 909 Hectares | - | |
179 | Mahadeiput | 429807 | Lamtaput | 134 Hectares | 103 | 764081 |
180 | Chandalmunda | 429808 | Lamtaput | 307 Hectares | 287 | 764081 |
181 | Badamunda | 429809 | Lamtaput | 139 Hectares | 123 | 764081 |
182 | Mahulaput | 429811 | Lamtaput | 106 Hectares | 109 | 764081 |
183 | Jaraput | 429812 | Lamtaput | 397 Hectares | 430 | 764037 |
184 | Dandaguru | 429813 | Lamtaput | 321 Hectares | 242 | 764081 |
185 | Lamanda | 429814 | Lamtaput | 319 Hectares | 446 | 764037 |
186 | Pujhariput | 429817 | Lamtaput | 187 Hectares | 217 | 764037 |
187 | Siarimalgoudaput | 429818 | Lamtaput | 40 Hectares | - | |
188 | Gadiajholla | 429819 | Lamtaput | 35 Hectares | 205 | 764037 |
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