

Bisra block details mentioned below with gram panchayat list, panchayat code, village code, area, population, pincode, nearest village, etc.

Block   Details
Name : Bisra
Block Code : 40
District : Sundargarh
State : Odisha

Gram Panchayat list in Sundargarh District

# Panchayat Panchayat Code Block District State

Nearest Village to Bisra

# Village Village Code Block Name Area Population Pincode
1 Ajeikela 384464 Bisra 236 Hectares 512 770036
2 Theteiposh 384465 Bisra 191 Hectares 472 770036
3 Sukuda 384466 Bisra 412 Hectares 693 770036
4 Sanbambua 384467 Bisra 281 Hectares 824 770036
5 Masurikudar 384498 Bisra 387 Hectares 938 770036
6 Kulenbahal 384499 Bisra 318 Hectares 801 770036
7 Badabamua 384500 Bisra 377 Hectares 957 770036
8 Arla 384501 Bisra 282 Hectares 826 770036
9 Sanbiringajhar 384502 Bisra 222 Hectares 513 770036
10 Kundaposh 384503 Bisra 166 Hectares 211 770036
11 Muchikucha 384504 Bisra 30 Hectares 22 770036
12 Jaraikela 384505 Bisra 197 Hectares 934 770036
13 Budhikuni 384506 Bisra 62 Hectares 253 770036
14 Dhatkidihi 384507 Bisra 94 Hectares 420 770036
15 Mahiberna 384508 Bisra 72 Hectares 6 770036
16 Kopsinga 384509 Bisra 210 Hectares 1183 770036
17 Jammal 384510 Bisra 210 Hectares 1083 770036
18 Bhurtabahal 384511 Bisra 182 Hectares 292 770036
19 Mahipani 384512 Bisra 438 Hectares 1529 770036
20 Biringajhar 384513 Bisra 510 Hectares 1214 770036
21 Chengjharan 384514 Bisra 513 Hectares 1433 770036
22 Udusu 384515 Bisra 672 Hectares 2071 770036
23 Jatatoli 384516 Bisra 223 Hectares 527 770036
24 Sarubahal 384517 Bisra 414 Hectares 1257 770036
25 Khatangkudar 384518 Bisra 67 Hectares 478 770036
26 Dhodhari 384519 Bisra 294 Hectares 686 770036
27 Bangurkela 384520 Bisra 539 Hectares 1333 770036
28 Bijadihi 384521 Bisra 362 Hectares 1467 770036
29 Santoshpur 384522 Bisra 248 Hectares 1637 770036
30 Ratakhandi 384523 Bisra 223 Hectares 662 770036
31 Bisra 384524 Bisra 249 Hectares 1464 770036
32 Doreikela 384525 Bisra 200 Hectares 1013 770036
33 Bhumijtola 384526 Bisra 128 Hectares 514 770036
34 Jodabandha 384527 Bisra 172 Hectares 1313 770036
35 Kopranda 384528 Bisra 363 Hectares 1496 770036
36 Bhalulata 384529 Bisra 614 Hectares 2968 770036
37 Kaliaposh 384530 Bisra 322 Hectares 460 770036
38 Tulasikani 384531 Bisra 147 Hectares 900 770036
39 Jharbeda 384532 Bisra 240 Hectares 1124 770036
40 Talbahal 384533 Bisra 54 Hectares 259 770036
41 Kokerama 384534 Bisra 276 Hectares 583 770036
42 Barsuan 384535 Bisra 266 Hectares 1335 770036
43 Sanuparbahal 384536 Bisra 47 Hectares 152 770036
44 Bairabahal 384537 Bisra 59 Hectares 357 770036
45 Manko 384538 Bisra 104 Hectares 428 770036
46 Purunabisra 384539 Bisra 25 Hectares 4824 770036
47 Dudurta 384540 Bisra 158 Hectares 502 770036
48 Sanpokhari 384541 Bisra 92 Hectares 405 770036
49 Budeljore 384542 Bisra 221 Hectares 2253 770036
50 Gudgudjore 384543 Bisra 288 Hectares 1919 770036
51 Kapatmunda 384544 Bisra 375 Hectares 1816 770036
52 Birkera 384545 Bisra 573 Hectares 1255 770036
53 Hariharpur 384546 Bisra 254 Hectares 225 770036
54 Badramloi 384547 Bisra 161 Hectares 375 770036
55 Sanramloi 384548 Bisra 234 Hectares 567 770036
56 Chirebeda 384549 Bisra 378 Hectares 489 770036
57 Dadposh 384550 Bisra 379 Hectares 1977 769042
58 Jamsara 384551 Bisra 157 Hectares 683 769042
59 Jabaghat 384552 Bisra 367 Hectares 1306 769042
60 Panposh 384553 Bisra 293 Hectares 1147 769042
61 Bartoli 384554 Bisra 118 Hectares 665 769042
62 Bondamunda 384555 Bisra 241 Hectares 1860 770032
63 Pograbahal 384556 Bisra 232 Hectares 778 770036
64 Barahabas 384557 Bisra 223 Hectares 729 770036
65 Kukuda 384558 Bisra 311 Hectares 1233 770036
66 Kudarbahal 384559 Bisra 220 Hectares 560 770036
67 Dumermunda 384560 Bisra 74 Hectares 151 770036
68 Dumerta 384561 Bisra 446 Hectares 2968 770032
69 Uparbahal (Bad) 384562 Bisra 91 Hectares 342 770036

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