

Akanambattu is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Akanambattu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Puthalapattu
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Akanambattu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Paturu 596458 836 Hectares 1464 517124
2 Erracheruvupalle 596459 871 Hectares 2155 517124
3 Thalupulapalle 596460 623 Hectares 1762 517124
4 Potukanuma 596461 1369 Hectares 3321 517112
5 Kothakota 596462 1692 Hectares 4567 517247
6 Chitipiralla 596463 421 Hectares 1143 517112
7 Siddalinganapalle 596464 39 Hectares -
8 Thippanapalle 596465 119 Hectares 585
9 Goduguchinta 596466 356 Hectares 1590
10 Venuthanapalle 596467 588 Hectares 1285 517112
11 Polavaram 596468 762 Hectares 2417 517124
12 Akanambattu 596469 412 Hectares 1199 517124
13 Vepanapalle 596470 224 Hectares 754 517422
14 Thenepalle 596471 1285 Hectares 2784 517124
15 Baitapalle 596472 848 Hectares 2011 517124
16 Peta Agraharam 596473 325 Hectares 1110
17 Puthalapattu 596474 1065 Hectares 5583 517124
18 Oddepalle 596475 637 Hectares 1502 517126
19 Palakuru 596476 783 Hectares 2298 517124
20 Vavilthota 596477 1728 Hectares 4879 517127
21 Muthirevula 596478 677 Hectares 4003 517127

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