Akuteegapadu is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Akuteegapadu |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Pentapadu |
District | : | West Siang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Jatlapalem | 588490 | 906 Hectares | 4304 | 534166 |
2 | Narasimha Apparaopuram | 588491 | 66 Hectares | - | |
3 | Padamara Vipparru | 588492 | 1486 Hectares | 5403 | 534165 |
4 | Parimella | 588493 | 495 Hectares | 2728 | 534166 |
5 | Yanalapalle | 588494 | 405 Hectares | 1156 | 534166 |
6 | Umamaheswaram | 588495 | 195 Hectares | 1198 | 534166 |
7 | Pentapadu | 588496 | 363 Hectares | 12889 | 534166 |
8 | Devaracheruvukhandrika | 588497 | 52 Hectares | 518 | 534166 |
9 | Kaspapentapadu | 588498 | 635 Hectares | 3326 | 534166 |
10 | Akuteegapadu | 588499 | 396 Hectares | 2124 | 534218 |
11 | Mudunuru | 588500 | 788 Hectares | 2538 | 534218 |
12 | Darsiparru (R) | 588501 | 989 Hectares | 4330 | 534222 |
13 | Prathipadu | 588502 | 553 Hectares | 5080 | 534222 |
14 | Alampuram | 588503 | 603 Hectares | 5751 | 534134 |
15 | Racharla | 588504 | 582 Hectares | 2450 | 534225 |
16 | Vallurupalle | 588505 | 328 Hectares | 2499 | 534225 |
17 | Bodapadu | 588506 | 356 Hectares | 1197 | 534196 |
18 | Ravipadu | 588507 | 1038 Hectares | 3395 | 534156 |
19 | B.Kondepadu | 588508 | 384 Hectares | 2686 | 534156 |
20 | Korumilli | 588509 | 268 Hectares | 1452 | 534156 |
21 | Chintapalle | 588510 | 257 Hectares | 1297 | 534196 |
22 | Meena Valluru | 588511 | 620 Hectares | 4137 | 534134 |
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