

Kolluru is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kolluru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Alair
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Kolluru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kolanupaka 576532 4219 Hectares 8860 508101
2 Srinivasa Puram 576533 138 Hectares 855 508101
3 Patelguda 576534 835 Hectares 1003 508101
4 Tangutoor 576535 1027 Hectares 2092 508101
5 Sharajpet 576536 1551 Hectares 2455 508101
6 Alair 576537 2942 Hectares 18054 508101
7 Bahadurpet 576538 357 Hectares 975 508101
8 Manthapuri 576539 494 Hectares 1164 508101
9 Dilawarpur 576540 478 Hectares 882 508101
10 Ikkurthi 576541 993 Hectares 1251 508286
11 Kolluru 576542 2384 Hectares 4152 508101
12 Matoor 576543 1518 Hectares 1529 508101
13 Amman Bole 576544 1120 Hectares 2049 508101
14 Golankonda 576545 1735 Hectares 2044 508101

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