

Alladurg is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Alladurg
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Alladurg
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Alladurg Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Alladurg 573220 951 Hectares 11018 502269
2 Appajipalle 573221 563 Hectares 2069 502270
3 Mupparam 573222 612 Hectares 1609 502302
4 Mahammadapur 573223 575 Hectares 1991 502270
5 Chilever 573224 841 Hectares 2533 502269
6 Muslapur 573225 1134 Hectares 3596 502269
7 Bhahirandibba 573226 499 Hectares 1503 502270
8 Chevella 573227 548 Hectares 1619 502269
9 Pothulaboguda 573228 1015 Hectares 2276 502270
10 Gorrekal 573229 922 Hectares 2053 502269
11 Watpalle 573230 88 Hectares 1568 502270
12 Shahednagar @ Ghatpalle 573231 205 Hectares 905 502270
13 Gowtapoor 573232 370 Hectares 528 502270
14 Palvatla 573233 484 Hectares 1318 502270
15 Nagulapalle 573234 762 Hectares 1908 502313
16 Peddapur 573235 2090 Hectares 4851 502270
17 Buddaipalle 573236 192 Hectares 171 502270
18 Bijilipur 573237 442 Hectares 1910 502270
19 Marvelly 573238 712 Hectares 2751 502270
20 Keroor 573239 469 Hectares 1501 502270

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