Alur is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Alur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Alur |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Kurukunda | 594151 | 1956 Hectares | 2213 | 518395 |
2 | A.Gonehal | 594152 | 329 Hectares | 345 | 518395 |
3 | Kammarachedu | 594153 | 1663 Hectares | 2530 | 518395 |
4 | Katriki | 594154 | 474 Hectares | 453 | 518395 |
5 | Musanahalli | 594155 | 451 Hectares | 1170 | 518395 |
6 | Marakattu | 594156 | 875 Hectares | 1706 | 518395 |
7 | Manikurthi | 594157 | 342 Hectares | 1608 | 518395 |
8 | Angaskal | 594158 | 1133 Hectares | 893 | 518395 |
9 | Muddanagiri | 594159 | 1116 Hectares | 1245 | 518395 |
10 | Karadiguddam | 594160 | 631 Hectares | 414 | 518395 |
11 | Hulebeedu | 594161 | 2072 Hectares | 2791 | 518395 |
12 | Thumbalabeedu | 594162 | 689 Hectares | 1490 | 518395 |
13 | Peddahottur | 594163 | 4843 Hectares | 4732 | 518395 |
14 | Alur | 594164 | 2432 Hectares | 14426 | 518395 |
15 | Arikera | 594165 | 2958 Hectares | 4869 | 518395 |
16 | Kuruvalli | 594166 | 1045 Hectares | 1219 | 518395 |
17 | Hathi Belgal | 594167 | 7328 Hectares | 4255 | 518395 |
18 | Molagavalli | 594168 | 6417 Hectares | 9475 | 518395 |
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