

Aspari is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Aspari
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Aspari
District : Kurnool
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Aspari Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Mulugundam 594169 2880 Hectares 6439 518347
2 Dudadudi Kotakonda 594170 1924 Hectares 2081 518263
3 Karumanchi 594171 2134 Hectares 3730 518350
4 Banavanur 594172 1306 Hectares 2302 518347
5 Khyruppala 594173 3003 Hectares 4814 518347
6 Muthkur 594174 2359 Hectares 4124 518347
7 Billekallu 594175 2494 Hectares 4319 518347
8 Yatakallu 594176 2159 Hectares 2800 518347
9 Thurvagal 594177 601 Hectares 1052 518347
10 Tangaradona 594178 2009 Hectares 3516 518347
11 Haligera 594179 1715 Hectares 3296 518347
12 Benigeri 594180 808 Hectares 2481 518347
13 Nagarur 594181 2762 Hectares 3198 518347
14 Chinnahothur 594182 4872 Hectares 3021 518347
15 Chigeli 594183 1505 Hectares 2928 518347
16 Chiramandoddi 594184 905 Hectares 1487 518347
17 Sankarabanda 594185 446 Hectares 1485 518347
18 Chokkanahalli 594186 620 Hectares 251 518347
19 Aspari 594187 4026 Hectares 7263 518347
20 Joharapuram 594188 4440 Hectares 4501 518347

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