
Khaprai Palle

Khaprai Palle is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Khaprai Palle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Atmakur (M)
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Khaprai Palle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chada 576702 4697 Hectares 7729 508111
2 Dursagani Palle 576703 290 Hectares 149 508111
3 Chande Palle 576704 855 Hectares 1212 508111
4 Chamapur 576705 253 Hectares 529 508111
5 Singaram (Patti) Chande Palle 576706 629 Hectares 948 508111
6 Kalwapalle 576707 451 Hectares 248 508111
7 Moripirala 576708 999 Hectares 1351 508111
8 Koratikal 576709 1294 Hectares 2180 508111
9 Rahimkhanpet 576710 1563 Hectares 2394 508111
10 Atmakur 576711 2486 Hectares 5960 508111
11 Raipalle 576712 375 Hectares 809 508111
12 Sarvepalle 576713 929 Hectares 783 508111
13 Dharmapur 576714 197 Hectares -
14 Thukkapur 576715 879 Hectares 1413 508111
15 Pallerla 576716 1592 Hectares 2902 508111
16 Lingaraj Palle 576717 346 Hectares 816 508111
17 Narsapur 576718 563 Hectares 1146 508111
18 Duppelli 576719 1511 Hectares 2041 508111
19 Raghavapur 576720 293 Hectares 930 508111
20 Kurella 576721 1739 Hectares 2589 508111
21 Khaprai Palle 576722 1487 Hectares 3065 508111

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