
Auranga Bad

Auranga Bad is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Auranga Bad
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Cumbum
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Auranga Bad Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Lingapuram Khandrika 590881 335 Hectares -
2 Linga Puram 590882 1853 Hectares 2166 523336
3 Yerrabalem 590883 930 Hectares 2464 523336
4 Anantha Palle 590884 335 Hectares -
5 Thurimella 590885 2123 Hectares 5402 523336
6 China Cumbum 590886 235 Hectares 2620 523333
7 Porumamilla Palle 590887 1166 Hectares 325 523333
8 Kagitalagudem 590888 174 Hectares 410 523333
9 Hazarat Gudem 590889 198 Hectares 550 523333
10 Kandula Puram 590890 962 Hectares 10766 523333
11 Jangamguntla 590891 281 Hectares 2322 523333
12 Lanja Kota 590892 1554 Hectares 2277 523370
13 Nadim Palle 590893 174 Hectares 382 523370
14 Auranga Bad 590894 1026 Hectares 367 523370
15 Ravipadu 590895 1038 Hectares 3478 523370

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